Face: definition (structure)


A face is defined by:

  • a number
  • a type
  • specific characteristics belonging to a type
  • its nature


The number to identify the face is automatically allocated by Flux during the face construction.

Types of faces

The different types of faces and the characteristics useful for their description are gathered in the tables below:

Face built by Flux Description
automatic none
structured bottom line (origin) side lines (linked elements) upper line (image)
Imported face Description
a list of facets the type of surface number of list
complex Cascade identifier coordinates system

Nature of faces

A specific feature, called nature, is attached to the faces. This attribute allows to set the following functions:

Nature The entity is taken into account for:
the geometry the mesh
standard (STANDARD) yes yes
in air (IN_AIR) no yes
ignored (NO_EXIST) no no