Options of construction by propagation

Building options

Some building options are proposed in order to simplify the user's work and to carry out semi-automatically a certain number of repetitive tasks.

These options, classified in three categories, are presented in the table below:

The options … allow …
for geometric building
  • to define the geometric entities (points, lines, faces, volumes) created during the propagation
for mesh preparation
  • to create the linked mesh generator associated to the transformation
  • to assign the linked mesh generator to the entities created
for preparation of regions
  • to create surface / volume regions
  • to assign the created regions to the geometric entities created
Important: These options are proposed only for the propagation of faces and volumes.

Options for geometric building

The options for geometric building allow to define the geometric entities (points, lines, faces, volumes) created during the propagation.

These options are presented in the table below:

Action Options available
Add points, lines Add points, lines faces
Propagate Faces
Add points, lines Add points, lines, faces, volumes
Propagate Volumes

Option for mesh preparation

Simultaneously with the faces and/or volumes construction, the option for mesh preparation allows:

  • to create the linked mesh generator associated to the transformation used for propagation
  • to assign this linked mesh generator to the faces / volumes
Attention: The option for mesh preparation simplifies the meshing process, but it does not replace the operations of mesh adjustment and meshing itself. The operations of mesh generators creation and mesh generators assignment are automatically performed.

This option is presented in the table below:

Action Available options Name of mesh generator (automatically assigned)
Creation of … and assignment of …
Propagate Faces linked mesh generator associated to transformation mesh generator to created faces


Propagate Volumes linked mesh generator associated to transformation mesh generator to created volumes

Where NAMETRANSF is the name of the transformation.

For more information on linked mesh generator see chapter Mesh: software aspects.

Options for the preparation of regions: principles

The options for the preparation of regions allow:

  • to create one or more surface / volume regions
  • to assign these regions to faces / volumes created by transformation, as well as to the base entities

These options are presented in the table below:

Creation of a region … Example
for all faces / volumes created
for each face / volume created

for a group of faces / volumes with the property of periodicity

Add a suffix

The user has the possibility to add a suffix to the name of the regions created by transformation in order to facilitate its identification. This suffix is added to the common generic name (REG_SURF for the surface regions and REG_VOL for the volume regions).

Options for the preparation of regions: details

The details of the options proposed for the creation and assignment of regions are presented in the table below:

Option Sub-option Number of regions Name of regions
Propagation Period Suffix
with the same region - - 1 REG_i
with increment - SUF n+1




with periodicity p SUF p


REG _ SUF_i+1



  • n is the number of repetitive transformations (integer number)
  • i is the next number in the list of regions (integer number)
  • p is the periodicity (integer number)
  • REG is the abbreviation of REG_SURF (surface region) or REG_VOL (volume region)
  • SUF is the name of the suffix added to the name of the regions created by transformation