Merging Vertices

Mesh connectivity relies on vertices of adjacent mesh elements being within a small tolerance of each other.

  1. Select the model mesh using one of the following workflows:
    • In the 3D view, select the relevant mesh part.
    • In the model tree, select the relevant mesh part.
  2. On the Mesh tab, in the Repair group, click the  Merge Vertices icon.
    Figure 1. The Merge mesh vertices dialog.

  3. In the Tolerance field, specify a value for the tolerance. Any two points separated by less than this distance are merged to the coordinates of one of the original vertices.
  4. [Optional] Select the Snap to geometry check box to allow mesh vertices to snap to geometry points lying within the specified tolerance.
  5. [Optional] Select the Snap to named points check box to allow mesh vertices to snap to named points lying within the specified tolerance.

    For example, if a named point lies between two mesh vertices that are less than the specified tolerance away from one another, the mesh vertices are merged to the named point.

  6. Click the OK button to merge the vertices and to close the dialog.