Adding a Waveguide Source

Apply a waveguide source to a waveguide port.

  1. On the Source/Load tab, in the Sources on Ports group, click the  Waveguide Source icon.
    Figure 1. The Create Waveguide Source dialog.

  2. In the Label field, add a unique label for the waveguide source.
  3. In the Port field, from the drop-down list, select any waveguide port.
  4. Select one of the following regarding the mode(s) to excite:
    • To excite only the fundamental waveguide mode, select Excite fundamental mode only. When this option is selected, the mode type and its indices cannot be specified since they are determined automatically.
    • To manually specify the modes using their mode indices, select Specify modes manually.
  5. In the Magnitude field, specify the magnitude of the mode.
  6. In the Phase field, specify the phase of the mode.
  7. Click the Create button to create the waveguide source and to close the dialog.