Adding a Voltage Source

Apply a voltage source to any wire, edge, line, network, transmission-line, or cable port.

  1. On the Source/Load tab, in the Sources on Ports group, click the  Voltage Source icon.
    Figure 1. The Create Voltage Source dialog.

  2. In the Port field, from the drop-down list, select a port.
  3. In the Magnitude field, specify the magnitude of the voltage in Volt. The voltage gives the potential difference between the positive side of the port relative to the negative side. A positive voltage results in a positive current flowing out of the positive side and into the negative side of the port.
  4. In the Phase (degrees) field, specify the phase of the voltage source.
  5. In the Reference impedance field, specify the impedance of the voltage source.
    Note: The reference impedance is only used when plotting the input reflection coefficient and realised gain in POSTFEKO. If this field is empty, the default value is taken as 50 Ohm.
  6. In the Label field, add a unique label for the voltage source.
  7. Click the Create button to create the voltage source and to close the dialog.