Adding a Near Field Source

Apply an array of electric and magnetic dipoles in the model (in the form of a planar, cylindrical or spherical aperture) that is equivalent to measured or calculated field values.

  1. On the Source/Load tab, in the Equivalent Sources group, click the  Near Field Source icon.
    Figure 1. The Create Near Field Source dialog.

  2. In the Magnitude scale factor field, specify the scaling factor.
    Tip: Use the scaling factor when data files have different units (for example, μV/m).
  3. In the Phase offset (degrees) field, specify the phase (in degrees) to be added to the phase of the fields.
  4. In the Field data field, specify the field data to be used to define the near field source.
  5. In the Label field, add a unique label for the near field source.
  6. Click the Create button to create the near field source and to close the dialog.