Creating a Cuboid by Sweeping a Rectangle along a Line

Create a cuboid by sweeping the rectangle along a line (path).

Tip: For demonstrative purposes, a rectangle is swept along a path to create a cuboid.

The preferred method to create a cuboid is to make use of the cuboid tool.

  1. In the model tree, select Rectangle1.
    Note: Selecting Rectangle1 in the model tree enables Path Sweep on the ribbon.
  2. On the Construct tab, in the Extend group, click the  Path Sweep icon.
    Figure 1. The Path Sweep dialog.

  3. In the model tree, click Line1 to use as path.
  4. On the Path Sweep dialog, use the default values.
  5. Click Create to create the path sweep and to close the dialog.
Figure 2. The rectangle swept along a path (line) to create a cuboid.