- Launching CADFEKO (Windows)
There are several options available to launch CADFEKO in Microsoft Windows.
- Launching CADFEKO (Linux)
There are several options available to launch CADFEKO in Linux.
- Building a Horn
Learn to create variables, workplanes and primitive shapes. Continue by combining these basic entities and modifying their properties.
- Adding a Feed Pin to the Horn
Add a wire feed to the model. As this example is only for demonstration purposes, this example does not cover the adding of a port or source to the wire feed.
- Using Selection in the 3D View
Use the selection type tool to highlight an element in the 3D view.
- Creating an Aperture in a Face
Create an aperture (hole) in a face or region by using the subtract tool. Create the geometry to be removed and subtract it from the target part. The target is the part that is reduced by cutting away a section of the part.
- Setting the Simulation Frequency
Specify the frequency range of interest. For this example, a single frequency point is used.
- Saving the Model
Save the model to a CADFEKO.cfx file.