Custom Properties

A Custom Property is a named group of one or more numeric (double precision floating point) values with an associated unit type.

Custom properties allows you to dynamically define custom attributes for use in your simulation.
Custom Property Example
Contact Contact duration, highest force during contact
Geometry Cumulative impact force, wear
Particle Residence time, temperature
Simulation Stickiness of a surface
Custom properties store additional attributes (for example, contact duration) for further post-processing. You can plot or export Custom properties, similar to any other attribute. When loaded, contact models, particle body forces, and coupled applications can all use and share data about these new custom properties.
Attribute Description
Name Indicates the unique name of the custom property.
State When you first add properties, they are defined as tentative. Tentative properties do not have space allocated for them. When simulation starts, tentative properties are finalized and space is allocated for them.
Storage Type Indicates the properties data type (currently always a C++ double).
Number of elements Indicates the number of elements. Usually a property has one element. A property with a position in 3D space would have three elements (X, Y, and Z).
Units Indicates the unit type. For example, length, temperature, charge, velocity, and so on. If the property has no unit, this is set to 'None'.
Values Indicates the initial values of the property. Double-click to change the value (provided the custom property is either still tentative or is a simulation property). For custom simulation properties, the Values section also indicates the value for the current Time Step.

Any UDL that uses a custom property with the same name and category will share the property’s value(s) and have the ability to manipulate them, provided the two UDL definitions (name, units, number of elements, and data type) are identical. If two UDLs have different definitions, only the first UDL will load. The second UDL will not load and an error is displayed.

You can call the Value of a custom property and modify the Delta of a custom property. At the end of a simulation cycle, the Delta is added to the Value, and the Value is updated accordingly for the next Time Step .