Post Processing of Simulations

EDEM Cal allows automated post processing of simulations based on a pre-configured data query from EDEM Analyst and an EDEMpy script.

To use post processing options:
In the EDEM Cal page, select Post Processing and specify the following details:
For Specify
No Analysis You can use manual or alternative approach for analysis. In such instances, no post processing options will be required from EDEMCal. Select to ensure that no post processing will be performed.
EDEM Indicates that you can use a predefined query within the EDEM Analyst to analyze each of the simulations performed by EDEMCal. In order to perform this analysis, the query must be compatible with the EDEM prototype deck. You must save and close the EDEM simulation.

The EDEM Configuration file (.dfg) contains the Analyst settings which you can specify or paste into the field or use Windows Explorer. To locate the file in Windows Explorer, click the ... icon. Navigate to the dfg file and select Open to populate the box with the path to the .dfg file.

The .dfg Data file (.ess) contains information about bin groups. If the analysis performed contains bin groups, the .ess file will be required in addition to the .dfg file. You can specify or paste it into the field or locate the file using Windows Explorer. To locate the file in Windows Explorer, click the ... icon. Navigate to the ess and select Open to populate the box with the path to the .ess file.

Python Analysis You can use an EDEMpy script for post processing. For more information about running EDEMpy analysis, see the EDEM User Forum.
  • Deck specification flag: -d (or similar to what is in the script).
  • Python file location: input path to the .py file.