Load a Deck

The first step in setting up a calibration run is to load in a prototype EDEM deck. The deck should be configured so that they can be executed from the command line.

To load a deck:
In the Load Deck page, which is the first page in EDEMCal, specify the following details:
For Specify
Locate deck to use Specify the path to the EDEM deck. The .dem file associated with the EDEM deck must be used for EDEMCal. This can be entered or pasted into the field or located using Windows Explorer by clicking the .... icon to navigate to the deck and selecting Open. This will populate the box with the path to the .dem file.
Additional Files Select any additional files required to run the simulation from the command line. When importing multiple additional files, highlight multiple files using File Explorer and then add the files. Examples of additional files include coupling scripts, preference files, and API .dll or .so files.
Note: The file name of the deck should not include spaces as they cannot be read as one line in the command prompt. If you want to include a space between words, use the '_' symbol, such as test_deck.dem.