Standard Rolling Friction Model
The Standard Rolling friction contact model is used in simulations where a torque is applied to the contacting surfaces where rolling friction is important.
With μr as the Coefficient of Rolling Friction, Ri the distance of the contact point from the center of mass, and ωi, the unit angular velocity vector of the object at the contact point.
EDEM allows you to include a component of torque arising
from rolling friction in the Geometry torque and power calculations. Since this
component of torque is excluded (Off), by default, you can select to include or
exclude this component of torque by clicking the icon in the
selected Particle to Geometry contact model. The checkbox is cleared by default, and
selecting the Apply the torque resulting from the rolling friction
model to the Geometry elements includes the torque which is the same
as EDEM v2017 and earlier.
Note: In
EDEM v2018 and earlier, this component of torque
was included (On) by default. Including this component means that the Geometry
torque and power calculations are mesh -size sensitive. Particle behavior is not
impacted by including or neglecting this component of torque.