Lift Model

Lift models allow you to add a lift force to particles. This is applicable in scenarios where the particles are interacting with fluids.

The Lift force is normal to the relative motion of particle and fluid and it is generated due to the fluid shear and/or particle rotation.
Name Description and Parameter Values
Saffman Lift The Saffman lift force is developed due to the pressure difference on a particle under a non-uniform shear velocity field. You specify the density and viscosity of the flow field and the particle scale if the particles have been scaled up. The Staffman lift force requires a vorticity vector field called vorticity to be imported using the Field Data Manager in order to calculate the lift force.

The model also requires a velocity field called velocity to be imported or the user-defined steady state flow field applied. Simulations can contain both Magnus and Saffman lift forces in addition to one of the Drag models.

Magnus Lift The Magnus lift force is developed due to rotation of particles. You specify the density and viscosity of the flow field and the particle scale if the particles have been scaled up. The Magnus lift force requires a vorticity vector field called vorticty to be imported using the Field Data Manager in order to calculate the lift force.

The model also requires a velocity field called velocity to be imported or the user-defined steady state flow field applied. Simulations can contain both Magnus and Saffman lift forces in addition to one of the Drag models.

  • You can add one or more Lift Models to the simulation.
  • After selecting and applying a Lift model, you must import a Velocity field using the Field Data Manager or specify a fixed velocity in the Lift model.