Fiducial Mark

Verify that fiducial marks are designed correctly on the paneling board.

Define fiducial marks in the design with these methods:
  • Components registered with a fiducial mark.
  • Geometry drawing containing a fiducial mark.
  • A via being used as a fiducial mark.
The Fiducial Mark dialog contains the following sections:
  • Fiducial Mark Definition
    • Component Group Selection: Select the fiducial-mark from the predefined component group list. Use if the fiducial marks are designed with components.
      • Padstack String: Set the fiducial mark with the padstack string filter.
        • Import(.txt): Apply Filter Type based on the characters entered in the .txt file.
          • Apply as a prefix when (|F|) ABC is entered in the .txt file.
          • Apply as a mid-string when ABC is entered in the .txt file.
          • Apply as a suffix when ABC(|P|) is entered in the .txt file.
        • Export(.txt): Export the characters registered in the String Item in .txt file format.
      • Mask1(S/R) Size (SS): Set the fiducial mark with the outer mask size.
      • PAD1 Size (PS): Set the fiducial mark with the inner pad size.
      • Mask2(S/R) Size (SS): Set the fiducial mark with the outer mask size.
      • PAD2 Size (SS): Set the fiducial mark with the inner pad size.
      • Recognize conductive figure shape as Pad: Recognize an object as a pad. Use if the object is drawn with the figure shape in the conductive layer.
    • Via: Select the fiducial mark from a via list used in active design. Use if fiducial marks are designed with vias.
    • Board Figure Geometries: Set the size of the target objects. Use if the fiducial mark is defined with a solder-mask and/or pad.
      • Mask1(S/R) Size (SS): Set the fiducial mark with the outer mask size.
      • PAD1 Size (PS): Set the fiducial mark with the inner pad size.
      • Mask2(S/R) Size (SS): Set the fiducial mark with the outer mask size.
      • PAD2 Size (SS): Set the fiducial mark with the inner pad size.
      • Mask/PAD Distance (PF): Set the fiducial mark with the distance between the pads.
        Figure 1.

    • Fiducial Mark Searching Ranges from Board Corner & Layer: Set the area where the fiducial mark is located from the board corner. Use PollEx DFM to search the given area to find the fiducial mark.
      • Searching Ranges: Set the width and height of the fiducial mark search ranges starting from the specified board corner.
        Figure 2.

  • Fiducial Mark Placement Checking: Set the layer where the fiducial mark is located.
    • Placed Layer Checking: Set the layer where the fiducial mark is located.
      • Same On Specified Component: Set the fiducial mark location as the same layer as a specified component. Use if all components are placed on the top or bottom layer,
      • Bottom: Set the fiducial mark location as the bottom layer.
      • Top: Set the fiducial mark location as the top layer.
      • Both: Set the fiducial mark location as the top and bottom layer.
    • Specifying Component: Set the component group that is used as the fiducial mark.
      • Exceptional Component: Set the exceptional component group.
      • Ignore the Fiducial Marks placed outside of the Board Outline area: Exclude components as the fiducial mark if located outside of the board outline.
    • Allow for Fiducial Mark placement on non-targeted layer: The analysis passes when the fiducial marks are located on the reverse board side. If the fiducial mark is located on the top and bottom layer with the Top option checked, the bottom placed fiducial-mark fails during analysis. With this option checked, the bottom placed fiducial mark will pass.
  • Clearance Checking: Check various clearances with the fiducial mark.
    • Fiducial Mark Clearance from Board Corners: Verify that the fiducial marks are placed in the proper position. Define a suitable area for placement from the board edge corners.
      Figure 3.

      Set the fiducial mark clearance value from each of the board outline corners using the Floating Value Range Input tool.
      Figure 4.

    • Clearance between Fiducial Mark and Via: Verify the clearance between a via and the fiducial mark.
    • Clearance between Fiducial Mark and Silk Screen: Verify the clearance between a silk and the fiducial mark.
    • Clearance between Fiducial Mark and Routing Patterns: Verify the clearance between route patterns and the fiducial mark.
    • Clearnace between Fiducial Mark and Routing Patterns(Inner): Verify the clearance between inner route patterns and the fiducial mark.
    • Clearance between Fiducial Mark and Components: Verify the clearance between components and the fiducial mark.
  • Other Checking
    • Diagonal Existence: Verify that the fiducial-marks are placed diagonally. If there is no diagonal placement, the analysis fails.
    • Number of Mark in Diagonal Corner: Define the number of fiducial marks in each corner. If the number of marks does not match with the given number, the analysis fails.
    • Minimum Number of Marks in each Layer: Verify the number of fiducial-marks placed on each corner of the board. Use the minimum, minimum or equal, or equal option for the given integer value.
    • Overlapping with Copper-Pour: Verify that copper is located in the fiducial mark region. The two cannot be placed on the same region.
    • Overlapping with Silkscreen: Verify there is overlapping with objects on the top and/or bottom silkscreen layers.
      • Top: Select the GERBER silkscreen top layer from the artwork layer list.
      • Bottom: Select the GERBER silkscreen bottom layer from the artwork layer list.
    • Alignment (X, Y) of Mark: Verify the alignment of the fiducial mark. The fiducial mark coordination values of X or Y must be the same if it is not placed diagonally.
    • Overlapping with Holes: Verify the fiducial marks are overlapped with the mechanical hole.
    • Symmetry Placement: Verify the fiducial marks are placed symmetrically.
    • Non Symmetry Placement: Verify the fiducial-marks are not placed symmetrically.
    • Non Symmetry Placement Each Side: Verify the fiducial-marks on the top and bottom layer are not placed symmetrically.
    • Overlapping with Board Outline: Verify the fiducial marks are overlapped with the board outline.
    • Pad Size: Verify the pad size by setting the width and height of the fiducial mark. If set to Value, it will be detected as Fail if it does not match the specified value. If set to Range, it will be detected as Fail if it is not within the defined range.
    • Solder Mask Annular Ring: Verify the distance between the Fiducial Mark pad edge and the solder mask. If set to Value, it will be detected as Fail if it does not match the specified value. If set to Range, it will be detected as Fail if it is not within the defined range.
  • Fiducial Mark Existence Checking using Revision Number: Use the revision number on the design to denote the location of the fiducial mark. Define them using several settings. Three rules can be used:
    • Verify that a specified character string is on a specified layer.
    • Verify that the revision name is matching with the given character string and the design file name.
    • Verify the locations of fiducial marks using the revision number.
      Figure 5.

    • Layer Selection: Define the layer from the artwork layer list, then use PollEx DFM to verify that it contains character string data.
    • Delimiter: Divide string into several parts. In the example below, if the delimiter is, _ , there may be seven parts.
      • Ignore String-Index from Back: From the back end, If there is an identical amount of items as the given integer number, it is meaningless. If the integer assigned is two for this value, six and seven will become meaningless. From this point, PollEx DFM handles the strings, ATX12345678_1_0_P880_MAN. This is the same as trimming to the right as many as the specified number using the delimiter.
    • Exclude Character: If newly generated character strings have unnecessary characters, enter them here. For example, if a character string has }, delete it in the string and enter it into the column.
    • Revision Index from Back: Define the revision number string index from the back. If the output character string is ATX12345678_1_0_P880_MAN and won’t get revision number 1, use an integer.
      Figure 6.

      This means the fourth index from the back is 1 and it is the revision number.
    • Revision Index Table: Use this table to define the fiducial mark location depending on the revision number.
      Figure 7.

      If the revision number is 1 in the table, the fiducial mark should be on location 10 and 5 apart from the top right corner of the board.
      Figure 8.

    • Remainder: Set all the unspecified revision number locations.