Checks components on the board that obstruct the field of vision by the height of specific parts.
- Component Count
Calculate and display the number of placed components.
- Component on Component
Verify the specified components placement on the board.
- Component Placement
Define components that must be placed on a specified side of the board and locate components violating specifications.
- Component Placement Angle
Manage the angle of the component for efficient mounting.
- Mark Placement
Verify the placement of a specified board mark. For example, a lead-free mark, fuse mark, and so on
- Placement
Analyze the location and orientation of a specified component on the board.
- Placement at Reverse Side
Verify if components are viable for reverse placement on the same board layer.
- Placement Keepout
Segment specified board areas to exclude selected objects. For example, objects such as a via, pattern, solder mask, and so on.
- Prohibited Component
Analyze the board and locate components that are no longer available for use.
- Standard Component
Compare the part lists between the standard part library and the used components from the design.