Placement Keepout
Segment specified board areas to exclude selected objects. For example, objects such as a via, pattern, solder mask, and so on.
- Item: Specify the name of an item.
- Layer-TOP: Specify the top board layer that contains a keep out region.
- Layer-BOTTOM: Specify the bottom board layer that contains a keep out region.
- Use Component Group: Enter a component group to use as a condition with the
defined layers. The component is used to compare clearances with other
- Use Component Group: Select a component group to recognize as a keep out region.
- Define keepout areas with components.
- Extending Keep-out Area from Component Area
- General
- Vertical: Extend the keep out region vertically by the entered value. Click To Board Outline to extend the region to the end of the board outline.
- Horizontal: Extend the keep out region horizontally by the entered value. Click To Board Outline to extend the region to the end of the board outline.
- Recognize the component direction with more pins as
- Vertical Value: Enter a value to extend to the vertical direction.
- Horizontal Value: Enter a value to extend to the horizontal direction.
- Extending value for non-directional components: Extend the keep out region by the entered horizontal and vertical direction value. This option applies to the components that the direction cannot be determined for due to having the same pin counts horizontally and vertically.
- Apply keepout area of components on both the top and bottom layers.
- General
- Extending Keep-out Area from Component Area
- Recognize as keepout area where the COC of a component specified in the Use Component Group and the polygon of component in the target Layer (Top and Bottom) are overlapped.
- Consideration: Select an object that is prohibited for placement near the
specified layers or components.
- Component
- Measure Base: Select a measurement base.
- Clearance: Set the clearance between the keep out region and the specified component.
- All: Analyze all components.
- Component Group: Select the component groups for analysis.
- Except Component Group: Exclude component groups from the analysis
- Pad
- Clearance: Set the clearance between Keepout and Pad.
- All: Analyze all components.
- Component Group: Select the component groups for analysis.
- Except Component Group: Exclude component groups from the analysis.
- Via
- Via: Set the clearance between Keepout and Via.
- Except Silk Overlapped Via: Exclude Vias that are covered with Silk.
- Exclude Net: Option to exclude selected nets from checking by using string filter.
- Pattern
- Pattern Clearance: Set the clearance between Keepout and Route Patterns.
- Copper-Pour Clearance: Set the clearance between Keepout and Copper-Pours.
- Exclude Net: Option to exclude selected nets from checking by using string filter.
- Solder: Set the clearance between Keepout and Solder Mask.
- Component