Convert SNIR to BER

Convert a SNIR plot to a Bit Error Rate (BER) plot.

Note: This option is only available for network-planning results.
To obtain a BER plot, do the following:
  1. Display the SNIR plot you wish to convert.
    Figure 1. An example of a SNIR plot.

  2. Click Edit > Convert SNIR to BER.
  3. Specify a text file that contains two columns with the following information:
    1. Column 1: SNIR in dB
    2. Column 2: 10-based log of the corresponding Bit Error Rate
    For example:
    *SNIR [dB]	BER log[dB]
    0.0		-0.30
    5.0		-0.47		
    11.0		-1.00
    15.0		-2.00
    18.0		-3.50
    20.0		-5.30
    21.0		-6.50
    22.0		-7.90
    23.0		-9.70
    24.0		-12.00

For instance, at a SNIR of 21 dB, the Bit Error Rate for this transmission mode is 10-6.5 ≈ 3.2×10-7. Since the BER curves depend on many parameters, you need to provide the table for the transmission mode of interest.

Figure 2. An example of a BER plot (converted from a SNIR plot).