Multi Service Maps

The position (priority) of the transmission modes affects the throughput results as the transmission modes are analyzed according to their position value. The networks are configured to maximize the throughput. For this purpose the transmission mode with the first position should be analyzed first. If there are some radio resources remaining (for example, resource blocks in LTE) then the transmission mode with the second position is analyzed for checking if the throughput can be further increased and so on.

For example, in an LTE network with 5 MHz bandwidth a total of 25 resource blocks are available. At a specific location in the network it might be possible to transmit 15 streams in parallel of the transmission mode with position 1 (leading to 710.2 kBit/s per stream). If the remaining 10 resource blocks the SNIR of the first position is not fulfilled (as the interference for each sub-band depends on the frequency reuse in the neighboring cells), maybe the SNIR target for the second position (with 665.9 kBit/s per stream) is fulfilled. In this case the overall throughput would result in 15*710.2 kBit/s + 10*665.9 kBit/s = 17,312 kBit/s.

The resulting mix of services which contribute to the throughput at a specific location can be visualized in ProMan. After loading a result, you will be asked if additional result data should be loaded. If yes, an additional dialog opens, where the contributing transmission modes, the occupied resources and the data rate is displayed.

Figure 1. An example of a multi service map.

Figure 1 shows the computed maximum throughput in downlink for an indoor LTE network with a bandwidth of 5 MHz.

A detailed analysis of the selected location (red line) shows, that this pixel is served from carrier 0 of Site 2. Two transmission modes contribute to the overall data rate of 5.5 MBit/s. The 16 QAM transmission mode uses two resource blocks, which gives a data rate of 947 kBit/s (473,5 kBit/s per resource block). The remaining 23 resource blocks are used for a QPSK transmission mode, which results in an additional data rate of 4.5 MBit/s (195 kBit/s per resource block).