Quick Run

Use the Quick Run tool to play back motion results when avaiable. Hold the Ctrl key as you select the tool to run a new motion analysis with the default settings.

Clicking the Motion Quick Run button will begin playing back motion animation results when available, provided that the End Time has not been changed and nothing in the model has been changed. The animation playback can be stopped by pressing the Pause button on the Animation toolbar or by pressing the Esc key to exit the tool. If you want to run a new motion analysis, follow the procedure below.

  1. Hold Ctrl and click the button on the Analyze Motion icon to perform a motion analysis using the default settings.

    Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
    Note: If you have previously run a motion analysis and have not changed the model or run settings, you will be taken directly into review mode rather than running the analysis again. Invoking Quick Run from the motion tool belt or by clicking the Run button on the Run Motion Analysis window will start a new motion analysis.
  2. Click the button on the Analyze Motion icon to stop the analysis, or let the analysis run to completion.
  • A progress meter appears next to the tool while the analysis is running, and a check icon appears when the analysis is complete. You are automatically placed into review mode, and can animate and plot results.
  • If you make a change to the model that requires running a reanalysis, the check icon disappears, and you will not be able to review or plot results until you run another motion analysis.
  • If any of the motion troubleshooting alerts are triggered, a warning icon appears above the Analyze Motion icon. Click the Help button on the alert to resolve the issue. If you click Continue, you may get an error message, and an error icon will be shown instead.
  • If initial intersecting parts are found between visible parts (not hidden parts), a warning message is displayed.

    Initial intersections between parts can present difficulties in solving contact models and affect the accuracy of results. If you select Review, a guide bar appears. The first button says Intersections (n), where n equals the number of intersections found. To review the intersections, click the following buttons:
    • Go to Next: Go to the next intersection.
    • Go to Previous: Go to the previous intersection.
    • List Intersections: Display the Intersections Table, which lists the intersecting parts of all visible motion contacts in the model. Click on a name in the table to review the corresponding intersection in the modeling window.

      One part has a blue dotted outline, while the other part has an orange dotted outline. The intersection is displayed in red.

    If desired, you can correct the intersections before proceeding with the analysis, for example by using Geometry tools to push/pull or move parts. See Contacts for additional information on intersections between contacting parts.
  • By default when you save a model, it will now include the last successful motion run. This is useful for sharing models with results, especially when you have a model that takes a long time to run. You can turn this option off in the Advanced section of the Run Motion Analysis settings, which will reduce the size of the .stmod file.


To Do this
Invoke quick run Press F9
Abort the run Press Esc
Slow motion Press Ctrl to slow down the animation during the run.