Export Motion Results

Export motion analysis results using the Export button on the Run Motion Analysis window.

You can also export plots and other data in CSV format by selecting a plot.

Export the Motion Model

Export the motion model with analysis settings as a MotionView file (.mdl), MotionSolve py file (.py), or nanoFluidX position file (.txt).

Tip: It is good practice to set the preferred model units in the Preferences, and then run the model before exporting.
  1. Hover over the Analyze tool and click the Run Settings icon.

    Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
  2. Change the settings in the Run Motion Analysis window as desired.

  3. Choose from the following export options:
    To export to... Do this Note
    MotionView (.mdl)

    The export will include supplemental .x_t and .png files.

    Tip: If a feature is suppressed, it will not be exported with the .mdl file.
    1. Select Export > MotionView > Units Settings, and then select a unit system.
    2. Select Export > MotionView > Export .MDL File.
    3. Choose a directory, enter a file name, and then select Save.
    To launch MotionView and open the Inspire Motion model, select Export > MotionView > Open in MotionView.

    If multiple versions of MotionView are installed, by default the most recent version will be opened. To open an older version, create an environment variable pointing to the HyperWorks installation. For example: HWX_HW_PATH = C:\Program Files\Altair\2022\hwdesktop\hw

    Note: If you are plotting part angular displacements after exporting to MotionView, note that MotionView outputs the angular results as Yaw, Pitch, and Roll by default.
    In MotionView, you can change this option to Euler Angles:
    1. Open the Global Simulation Settings window.
    2. Under Output Settings > Result, select the Measure Rotation dropdown menu arrow, then choose Euler Angles.
    MotionSolve (.py)
    1. Select Export > MotionSolve > Units Settings, and then select a unit system.
    2. Select Export > MotionSolve > Export .PY File.
    3. Choose a directory, enter a file name, and then select Save.
    1. Select Export > nanoFluidX > Settings.
    2. A guide bar appears. The Parts selector is active.

      Select one or more parts.
    3. If a system is already defined in the model, the Reference selector becomes active. Designate the reference frame:
      • To use as a custom reference frame, select a system.
      • To use Ground (default), go to the next step.

    4. Click Apply .
    5. In the Run Motion Analysis window, select Export > nanoFluidX > Export Position File.

      A message appears showing the directory where the file is saved.

    Why Export to nanoFluidX?

    nanoFluidX has some limitations with respect to applying rigid body motion to semi-complex systems. This is where the export capability from Inspire Motion can help by providing the output of all components, regardless of the way in which they are constrained. Some examples are a planetary gear system and a drive chain.

Define and Export Input/Output Signals

Define and export Input/output signals in Inspire, or set up a Co-simulation with Twin Activate (.py file).

Prerequisite: Run a motion analysis.
You can define input and output signals in Motion to facilitate real-time communication between two models and to represent realistic behavior of mechanisms involving controls, like in electronics or hydraulics. To do this, you can combine a multibody model representation or plant model with a working controller defined in Twin Activate. Signals (or channels) defined in the Motion model can either function as inputs supplied to the model or outputs sent from the model.

Inputs receive data from the Twin Activate controller, and outputs send data to the Twin Activate controller. The controller also sends inputs to the multibody model and receives outputs from the multibody model.

Note: Inputs are signals sent from the controller to the multibody model. Outputs are signals that supply information about the behavior of a multibody model to an external controller, such as Twin Activate.
  1. Hover over the Analyze Motion tool and click the Motion Run Settings satellite icon.
    Tip: To find and open a tool, press Ctrl+F. For more information, see Find and Search for Tools.
    The Run Motion Analysis window appears.
  2. In the Run Motion Analysis window, select Export, then Input/Output Signals.
    The Signals Setup window appears.
  3. Define Inputs.
    To Do this
    Add input channels Select the Input tab, then click +.
    Note: Entity types are automatically added based on available entities in the model.
    Edit the Entity Type Select the Entity Type dropdown menu, then choose from the list of available entity types. Supported entity types include:
    • motors
    • actuators
    • spring-dampers
    Note: The model design determines the availability of entities.
    Change the Entity Name Select the Entity Name dropdown menu, then choose from the list of available entities.
  4. Define Outputs.
    To Do this
    Add output channels Select the Output tab, then click +.
    Note: Entity types are automatically added based on available entities in the model.
    Edit the Entity Type Select the Entity Type dropdown menu, then choose from the list of available entity types. Supported entity types include:
    • joints
    • contact forces
    • linear or angular measures
    • proximity measures
    • systems
    • spring-dampers
    Note: The model design determines the availability of entities.
    Change the Entity Name Select the Entity Name dropdown menu, then choose from the list of entities.
    Change an Entity Type's Component Type Select the Component Type dropdown menu, then select a new component.
  5. Select an Export option.
    To Do this
    Export the signals as a (.py) file to use in Twin Activate Select Twin Activate Co-Sim, then Export.

    Export the signals as an (.h3d) file to use in HyperView or HyperView Player

    1. Select Twin Activate Co-Sim.
    2. Turn on Include Animation File, then select Export.
    3. After the Twin Activate Co-Simulation is complete, the animation of the co-simulation results can be reviewed in HyperView or HyperView Player.

Export Plots, Images, Loads, and Locations

Export results data such as plots, images, loads and locations in various formats.

Run a motion analysis. When complete, a check icon appears and the Review Motion Results tool is activated.
  1. Select an object to plot in the modeling window or Model Browser.
    The chart will appear.
  2. Right-click on the chart to see a list of what can be exported. (The list of options will change based on the type of entity selected.)
  3. Select what type of data to export.
    • Select Export > CSV to export results to .csv format.
    • Select Export > CSV (Output Steps Only) to export only the output steps to .csv format (when there are motion contacts in the model).
    • Select Export > Image (Page) to export the plot page as a .png.
    • Select Export > Image (Plot) to export the plot chart as a .png.
    • Select Export > Loads on Part to export loads to .csv format. Available for parts only.
    • Select Export > Connection Locations to export locations of part connections to .csv format. Available for parts only.
  4. Right-click to exit the review mode.
  • If you make a change to the model that requires running a reanalysis, the check icon disappears, and you will not be able to export plot data until you run another motion analysis.
  • Plot settings on the Run Motion Analysis window must be set to All and Global in order to export loads on parts. Otherwise the Export Loads option is disabled in the plot context menu for the chart.
    Below is an example of a sample .csv file.