Block Format Keyword Describes the sensors used to activate or deactivate an object according to energy.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
part_ID subset_ID Iselect
IEmin IEmax KEmin KEmax Tmin
IEtol IEtime KEtol KEtime


Field Contents SI Unit Example
sens_ID Sensor identifier.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

unit_ID Optional unit identifier.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

sens_title Sensor title.

(Character, maximum 100 characters)

Tdelay Time delay.


[ s ]
part_ID Part identifier for the part monitored for /SENSOR/ENERGY.


subset_ID Subset identifier for the subset monitored for /SENSOR/ENERGY, used if part_ID is not defined.

If part_ID and subset_ID are not defined and Iselect = 1, internal and kinetic energy are from all meshed parts in the model.


Iselect Subset or global energy selector.
= 1 (Default)
Part and subset are used. Only energies for mesh parts are used.
= 2
Gobal model energy is used (including energy from rigid walls, rigid bodies, and so on).


IEmin Minimum part or subset internal energy.

Default = -1E+30 (Real)

[ J ]
IEmax Maximum part or subset internal energy.

Default = 1E+30 (Real)

[ J ]
KEmin Minimum part or subset kinetic energy.

Default = -1E+30 (Real)

[ J ]
KEmax Maximum part or subset kinetic energy.

Default = 1E+30 (Real)

[ J ]
Tmin Minimum time duration before activation when criteria is reached. 5


[ s ]
IEtol Tolerance for constant internal energy definition.


IEtime Minimum time duration for activation when constant internal energy is reached.

Default = 1E+30 (Real)

[ s ]
KEtol Tolerance for constant kinetic energy definition.


KEtime Minimum time duration for activation when constant kinetic energy is reached.

Default = 1E+30 (Real)

[ s ]


  1. Sensors can be used to activate airbags, imposed forces, pressures, and fixed velocities.
  2. Sensors can be used to activate or deactivate these elements with /ACTIV.
  3. Sensors can be used to generate animations or h3d frames at specific conditions with the Engine keywords /ANIM/LSENSOR or /H3D/LSENSOR.
  4. Sensors can be used to terminate a simulation at specific conditions with the Engine keyword /STOP/LSENSOR.
  5. For sensor type ENERGY.
    The sensor is activated when the internal or kinetic energies satisfy the criteria for the defined part or subset.
    • Internal energy < IEmin or Internal energy > IEmax during time > Tmin
    • Kinetic energy < KEmin or Kinetic energy > KEmax during time > Tmin
    • Internal energy is constant during IEtime with tolerance IEtol around the mean value
    • Kinetic energy is constant during KEtime with tolerance KEtol around the mean value