Block Format Keyword Radioss supports the /KEY option. This format is written by Altair simulation pre-processors.
- There are three distinct crypting
algorithms available in Radioss, in all cases the
crypting key is defined by the /KEY keyword. The choice of
the algorithm is then determined by the key format:
- Format %SXxxx
- Reserved for Safety (dummy models, and so on), concern /MAT and /PROP cards
- Need special safety license.
- Format %FUxxx
- Used for /FUNCT card crypting
- No license needed
- Other formats: %XXXX, %xxxx
- Available for material and Property cards crypting via Altair simulation pre-processor
- Using standard algorithm
- No license needed
The capital X may be replaced by any alpha-numeric character; a lower case x may be replaced by any number 0-9.
- Format %SXxxx
- The following entities can be
encrypted in the model:
- Any materials (/MAT/...)
- Any failure models (/FAIL/...)
- Any viscous models (/VISC/...)
- Any equation of states (/EOS/...)
- Any properties (/PROP/...)
- Table /TABLE