LS-DYNA Input Interface KeywordDefines a 1D or 2D seat belt slipring.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
SID SBID1 SBID2 Fric_d node_ID1 Ltime Fric_s node_ID2
A Fl_flag Ed_factor fct_ID2 fct_ID4


Field Contents SI Unit Example
SID Slipring identifier.


SBID1 First element or set of elements identifier on one side of node_ID1.
> 0
Identifier of the first element in 1D seatbelt.
< 0
*SET_SHELL identifier defining shell elements attached on first side to node set of node_ID1.


SBID2 Second element or set of elements identifier on the other side of node_ID1.
> 0
Identifier of the first element in 1D seatbelt.
< 0
*SET_SHELL identifier defining shell elements attached on second side to node set of node_ID1.
Fric_d Coulomb dynamic friction coefficient.


node_ID1 Node or node set identifier defining the seatbelt nodes coincident with the slipring.
> 0
Seatbelt node ID coincident with slipring.
< 0
Set of 2D seatbelt node ID's coincident with slipring.


Ltime Lockup time.


[ s ]
Fric_s (Optional) Coulomb static friction coefficient.


node_ID2 (Optional) Orientation node identifier.


A (Optional) Coefficient for determining Coulomb friction coefficient.


Fl_flag Direction of belt movement.
= 0
Belt can move in both directions.
= 12
Belt can move only along direction from SBID1 to SBID2.
= 21
Belt can move only along direction from SBID2 to SBID1.
Ed_factor (Optional) Decay constant for friction coefficient computation.


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fct_ID2 (Optional) Curve identifier defining dynamic coefficient of friction as a function of normal force.


fct_ID4 (Optional) Curve identifier defining static coefficient of friction as a function of normal force.



  1. This keyword maps to /SLIPRING/SPRING and /SENSOR/TIME.