OS-E: 0175 Continuum Shell Composites Using PCOMPLS

The PCOMPLS entry can be used to define continuum shell composites using solid elements. Currently first order CHEXA and CPENTA solid elements are supported.

Figure 1. A Force is Applied on the RBE2 Element and the Opposite End is SPC’d

Model Files

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Model Description

Conduct a continuum shell composite analysis of a bracket using PCOMPLS entry. A force is applied on the RBE2 element and the other end of the bracket is fixed at all degrees of freedom (Figure 1).

In addition to shell-based composites (via PCOMP, PCOMPP, or PCOMPG), solid elements using CHEXA and CPENTA elements can now be used to define composite elements using the PCOMPLS entry. Multiple plies can be defined on the PCOMPLS entry referencing corresponding materials, thicknesses, and ply orientations. The current model under consideration consists of 7 plies with different thicknesses and orientations. All plies reference the MAT9OR material entry for orthotropic material entries.
FE Model
Elements Types
The linear material properties are:
Young’s Modulus
Poisson's Ratio


The displacements and composite stresses can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2. (a) Displacement; (b) Composite Stresses