Model Size and Dimensions

Creates three table outputs including - overall model dimension, centre of gravity and inertia of the model and model mass.

  1. From the Report Ribbon, Add Modules tool group, click and select Model Size and Dimensions module.


    Right-click at the Report or Chapter level and select Report/Chapter > Add > Modules > Validate > Model Size and Dimensions.
  2. Below are the properties associated with the Model Size and Dimensions module.
    Figure 1.

    Provide the name for the Model Size and Dimensions module.
    Provide the location of the model in the list of HyperMesh windows in the session.
    Select the Model Mass, Model Dimensions and; Centre of Gravity and Inertia.
    Numeric Precision
    Select the number of decimal places.
    Numerical Format
    Select the numerical formats- Fixed, Scientific and Engineering.
    Auto Split Table
    Provides the function to split up tables automatically based on the space available in the slide or page.
  3. Once executed, a table output for Model Dimensions is generated:
    Figure 2.