Model Checker Summary

Model Checker Summary module generates three basic tables outputs along with failed checks tables.

The module creates a detailed summary of executed Model Checker checks such as error, info and warning in the current session. Following are the table names:
  • ERROR Table
  • WARNING Table
  • INFO Table
  • Failed Checks Table
  1. From the Report Ribbon, Add Modules tool group, click and select Model Checker Summary module.


    Right-click at the Report or Chapter level and select Report/Chapter > Add > Modules > Validate > Model Checker Summary.
  2. Below are the properties associated with the Model Checker Summary module.
    Figure 1.

    The name for the Model Checker Summary module.
    Provide the location of the model in the list of HyperMesh windows in the session.
    Model Checker Checks
    ERROR Table
    Summary table for entire error check folder
    WARNING Table-
    Summary table for entire warning check folder
    INFO Table
    Summary table for info entire check folder.
    Failed Checks Tables
    Detailed table summary for total failed checks in Model Checker.
    Export Options
    Checks Export Type
    Available export check options are Failed, Passed and All.
    The module creates selected check type summary.
    Page Break
    Check to add Page Break at end of the item.
  3. Once executed, a table output for Model Checker Summary is generated.
    Figure 2.

    Figure 3.

    Figure 4.