Create Document Report

Tutorial Level: Intermediate

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create, execute, and export a Document report using loop results and entity overview modules.

Before you begin, copy the file(s) used in this tutorial to your working directory:

Create a Document Report

In this exercise, you will: create a Document report tree using chapters, images, text, tables, and modules; execute the report items; and export the Document report.

Launch the Report

In this step, you will launch the report in HyperMesh.

  1. Start HyperMesh.
  2. Open the Report ribbon.
  3. From the menu bar, select File > Session > Open.
    The Open Session File dialog opens.
  4. Browse and select the Report_Tutorial_Session.mvw file.
    The file opens in the graphics window.
  5. Open the Document master file.
    1. From the File menu, select Preferences.
      Figure 1.
    2. Select Report from the Common section.
    3. Optional: Select the Default Report Type.
    4. In the Master Document section, browse and select the wordMaster.docx file.

Create a Report Tree

In this step, you will create a report tree using Document report items.

  1. From the Report ribbon, click New Report and then click .
    A new chapter is added to the tree under New Report.
  2. Name the chapter Introduction.
  3. Right-click on the Introduction chapter and click .
    A new image entity is added to the report tree under Introduction.
  4. In the Entity Editor, define the image entity properties.
    1. Name the image Image 1.
    2. Set Source to Graphics Area.
    3. Change the image caption to Figure 1 - Wing Model.
    4. Maintain the default location of the caption.
    5. Set Model to Page 1/Window 1.

    Figure 2.
  5. Right-click on Image 1 and click Run.
    The image entity is executed, updated, and captured from the HyperMesh window as seen in Figure 3.

    Figure 3.
  6. Preview the image entity output.
    1. Click to preview Image 1.
      An image preview window opens and displays the captured image as seen in Figure 4.

      Figure 4.
    2. Click Cancel to close the preview.
  7. Select Introduction chapter and click .
    A new text entity is added to the report tree under Introduction.
  8. In the Entity Editor, define the text entity properties.
    1. Click Text and select .
      The Text1 dialog opens.
    2. Enter This is a wing model analysis report. in the dialog.
    3. Click OK to close the dialog.
  9. Preview the text entity.
    1. Click to preview the text.
      The Define Text dialog opens.
    2. Click Cancel to close the preview.
  10. Select Introduction chapter and click .
    A new chapter is added to the report tree under Introduction.
  11. Name the chapter Abbreviations.
  12. Right-click on the Abbreviations chapter and select Add > Items > Word Document.
    A Word document entity is added to the report tree under Abbreviations.
  13. Using the Entity Editor, select a document for the Word document entity.
    1. Click File Path.
    2. Click .
    3. Browse and select the Abbreviations.docx Word file.
    4. Maintain the default values for the remaining properties.
  14. Select Introduction chapter and click .
    A new chapter is added to the report tree under Introduction.
  15. Name the chapter Softwares Used.
  16. SelectSoftwares Used chapter and click Add Items > Excel Document from the Report ribbon.
    An Excel document entity is added to the report tree under Softwares Used.
  17. Using the Entity Editor, select a document for the Excel document entity.
    1. Click File Path.
    2. Click .
    3. Browse and select the Softwares_Used.xlsx Excel file.
    4. Maintain the default values for the remaining properties.
  18. Select Report and click Add Item > Break from the Report ribbon.
    A break is added in the report tree as seen in Figure 5. Additional chapters will be placed in a new page.
    Figure 5.

Export the Report

In this step, you will export the report.

  1. From the Report ribbon, click .
    A file browser window opens.
  2. Browse and select the required destination folder.
  3. Enter WingFrame_WordReport as the report title.
  4. Click Save.
The Document report and a report template (.tpl) are saved.

Create the Model Overview Chapter

In this step, you will create the Model Overview chapter and apply modules.

  1. From the Report Ribbon, click .
    A new chapter is added to the report tree below the break added in step 18 of Create a Report Tree.
  2. Name the chapter Model Overview.
  3. Select Model Overview chapter and click Text File from Add Item group.
    A Text file entity is added to the report tree under Model Overview.
  4. Using the Entity Editor, select a document for the Text file entity.
    1. Click File Path.
    2. Click .
    3. Browse and select the Model_Description.txt file.
      Figure 6.
  5. Select Model Overview chapter and click Add Modules > Model Info > Entity Overview from the Report ribbon.
    An Entity Overview module is added to the report tree under Model Overview.
  6. Using the Entity Editor, define the Entity Overview module properties.
    1. Name the module Level 2 Assembly Overview.
    2. Set Model to Page 2/Window 1.
    3. Set the Entity Type to Assemblies.
    4. Set the Assembly Level to 2.
  7. Add the image output to the report tree.
    1. Right-click on the Level 2 Assembly Overview module and select Run.
      The Assembly Overview - HyperView - Model Overview dialog opens.
    2. Verify that notes were created in the graphics area and click Capture Image in the dialog.
      The image is captured with notes as seen in Figure 7.

      Figure 7.
    3. Click to close the Assembly Overview - HyperView - Model Overview dialog.
      The image output is added to the report tree as seen in Figure 8.

      Figure 8.
  8. Preview the image output.
    1. Click .
      An image preview window opens and displays the captured image output as seen in Figure 9.

      Figure 9.
    2. Click Cancel to close the preview.
  9. Repeat steps 5 through 7 to create a Level 3 Assembly Overview module and add image output to the report tree.

    Figure 10.
  10. Select Model Overview chapter and click .
    A new chapter is added to the report tree under Model Overview.
  11. Name the chapter Property Overview.
  12. Select Property Overview chapter and click Add Modules > Model Info > Entity Overview from the Report ribbon.
    An Entity Overview module is added to the report tree under Property Overview.
  13. Using the Entity Editor, define the Entity Overview module properties.
    1. Name the module Property Overview.
    2. Set Model to Page 2/Window 1.
    3. Set the Entity Type to Properties.
  14. Add the image output to the report tree.
    1. Right-click on the Property Overview module and select Run.
      The Property Overview - HyperView - Model Overview dialog opens.

      Figure 11.
    2. Verify that notes were created in the graphics area and click Capture Image in the dialog.
      The image is captured with notes.

      Figure 12.
    3. Click to close the Property Overview - HyperView - Model Overview dialog.
      The image output is added to the report tree as seen in Figure 13.

      Figure 13.
  15. Preview the image output generated in step 14 by repeating step 8.
  16. Select Model Overview chapter and click Add Modules > Model Info > Model Statistics from the Report ribbon.
    A Model Statistics module is added to the report tree under Model Overview.
  17. In the Entity Editor, set Model to Page 2/Window 1 for the Model Statistics module.
  18. Add the model statistics data to the report tree.
    1. Right-click on Model Statistics and select Run.
      The Model Statistics module is executed and the table with the model statistics data is added under Model Statistics as seen in Figure 14.

      Figure 14.
  19. Preview the model statistics data output by repeating step 8.
  20. Select Report and click Add Items > Break from the Report ribbon.
    A break is created in the report tree. Additional chapters will be placed in a new page.

Create the Results Looping Chapter

In this step, you will create the Results Looping chapter and apply modules.

  1. Select Report and click .
    A new chapter is added to the report tree under the break created in step 20 of Create the Model Overview Chapter.
  2. Name the chapter Results Looping.
  3. Select Results Looping chapter and click Add Modules > Results > Loop Results from Report ribbon.
    A Loop Results module is added to the report tree under Results Looping.
  4. Using the Entity Editor, define the Loop Results module properties.
    1. Name the module Applied Forces and Displacement Results Loop.
    2. Set Model to Page 3/Window 1.
    3. Click Components and click .
      The component selector guide bar opens.
    4. Select By ID.
    5. In the Components entry field, enter 2, 70, 71, 73, 74, 97 and click Add.
      The component IDs are listed in the Components entry field.
    6. Click Return to close the Extended Entity Selection dialog.
    7. Click proceed in the component selector panel to exit the panel.
    8. Click Load Cases and click .
      The Select Load Cases dialog opens.
    9. Select the loadcases listed in the panel and click OK.
  5. Select Applied Forces and Displacement Results Loop module and click .
    An image entity is added to the report tree under Applied Forces and Displacement Results Loop.
  6. Using the Entity Editor, define the image entity properties.
    1. Name the image entity Applied Forces.
    2. Enter Applied Forces as the caption.
    3. Set Model to Page 3/Window 1.
  7. Repeat step 5 to add a second image entity.
    A second image entity is added to the report tree under Applied Forces and Displacement Results Loop.
  8. Using the Entity Editor, define the second image entity properties.
    1. Name the image entity Displacement Results.
    2. Enter Displacement Results as the caption.
    3. Set Model to Page 3/ Window 2.
  9. Select Applied Forces and Displacement Results Loop module and click Run from the Report ribbon.
    Tip: You can view the images and the results table using the Preview option.
    The Loop Results module is executed and the required images and results table are generated.
  10. Select Report and click Add Items > Break from the Report ribbon.
    A break in the report tree is created. Additional chapters will be placed in a new page.
  11. Select Results Looping chapter and click Add Modules > Results > Loop Results from the Report ribbon.
    A Loop Results module is added to the report tree.
  12. Using the Entity Editor, define the Loop Results module properties.
    1. Name the module Composite Stress Results Loop.
    2. Set Model to Page 4/Window 1.
    3. Click Components and click .
      The component selector panel opens.
    4. Click in the component selector panel to reset the components.
    5. Click the component selector.
      The Extended Entity Selection dialog opens.
    6. Select By ID.
    7. In the Components entry field, enter 2, 70, 97, 98 and click Add.
      The component IDs are listed in the Components entry field.
    8. Click Return to close the Extended Entity Selection dialog.
    9. Click proceed in the component selector panel to exit the panel.
    10. Click Load Cases and click .
      The Select Load Cases dialog opens.
    11. Select the loadcases listed in the panel and click OK.
  13. Select Composite Stress Results Loop module and click .
    An image entity is added to the report tree under Composite Stress Results Loop.
  14. Using the Entity Editor, define the image entity properties.
    1. Set Model to Page 4/ Window 1.
    2. Set the Note Location to HotSpots of Contour.
      Additional options activate.
    3. Maintain the default values for the following properties:
      • Find Hotspots
      • Thresholds
      • Tolerance
      • Maximum Hotspots
    4. Under Advanced, click Thresholds > Define.
      The Define Thresholds dialog opens.

      Figure 15.
    5. Maintain the default Fail and Warn Limit values.
    6. Click OK to confirm the values and complete the thresholds definition.
      The Thresholds field is assigned a green check mark as seen in Figure 16.

      Figure 16.
  15. Select Composite Stress Results Loop module and click Run from the Report ribbon.
    Note: The execution process may take several minutes.
    Tip: You can view the images and the results table using the Preview option.
    The required images and results table are generated.

Export the Report

In this step, you will export the report.

  1. Right-click at Report level and click Expand All.
    This expands all child levels in the report tree. The tree structure provides the insight of the report Table of Contents that will be exported as a Document report.

    Figure 17.
  2. In the Report browser, select Report and then click from the Report ribbon.
    A file browser window opens.
  3. Browse and select the required destination folder.
  4. Enter WingFrame_DocumentReport.tpl for the name of the report.
  5. Click Save.
    A working window opens. The Word file opens automatically. The content is added to the report in a live session. The Document report and a report template (.tpl) are saved.

Reuse Report Templates

In this exercise, you will load a previously saved report template. Also, you will execute a Document report and other report items for the exercise model.

This exercise uses the WingFrame_DocumentReport.tpl file generated in Create a Document Report.

Launch the Report

In this step, you will launch the report in HyperMesh.

  1. Open the Report ribbon.
  2. Load the Document master file.
    1. From the File menu, select Preferences.
    2. Select Report from the Common section.
    3. Browse and select the wordMaster.docx file.

Load the Report Template

In this step, you will load the model, the results file for report execution, and the report template.

  1. In the Report ribbon, click to Load Report Template.
    A file browser window opens.
  2. Browse and select the WingFrame_DocumentReport.tpl file.
    The Report Settings dialog opens.
  3. Define the parameters to be used for the report session by using the same model and results files used in Create a Document Report.
  4. Confirm the Reporting Directory and Document/Presentation Master Document paths are correct.

    Figure 18.
  5. Click Load.
    A working window appears while the report tree parameters are being loaded to HyperMesh.
  6. Right-click on Report and select Delete > Outputs.
    The outputs generated in Create a Document Report and Create a Presentation Report are deleted.
  7. Expand and verify the properties of each entity.
  8. Right click Report and then click Run.
    Tip: You can click at any time to pause the execution.
    A report item execution of the full report begins. The outputs are added under the respective items.

Export the Report

In this step, you will export the report.

  1. In the Report browser, select Report and then click on the Report ribbon.
    A file browser window opens.
  2. Browse and select the required destination folder.
  3. Enter a report name for the report title.
  4. Click Save.
    The report and a report template (.tpl) are saved.