EXODUS Interface

Overview of the EXODUS interface.

The EXODUS interface enables you to store a large amount of topological and result data in a binary format for finite element analysis.

In HyperMesh, the import and export of EXODUS files is supported in the EXODUS interface. An EXODUS file (*.ex, *.exo, *.ex2) can be read using File > Import > Solver Deck, and the finished model can be written using File > Export > Solver Deck.

EXODUS supports the following types of entities, which can be created from the Solver Browser:
  • Blocks (Component)
  • Control Cards
  • Coordinate Frames (System)
  • Functions (Curve)
  • Loads
  • Materials
  • Plots
  • Sets
  • TiedJoints (Group)
The following loads are migrated to new loads:
  • Acceleration
  • Boundary
  • Flux
  • Force
  • Moment
  • Pressure
  • Temperature
  • Velocity
  • Legacy decks are realized to new loads on import of binary or ASCII file exported from previous releases.