Animate Flexible Body Mode Shapes

The various mode shape results are listed as result subcases under the loadcase “CMS FlexBody” in the flex h3d file. To animate a particular mode shape:
  1. Select the mode shape from the loadcase drop-down in the HyperView Results Browser (as shown below).
    Figure 1.

  2. Click on the triangle next to the Set Animation Mode button , and select the Modal animation mode .
  3. Click on to animate the model.
  4. To control the speed of animation, click on the Animation toolbar.
  5. Use the slider bar located under Speed.
  6. To control the rate of deformation in the visualization, use the Increment by drop-down menu.
    Figure 2.
  7. To view animation for a different mode, simply select the mode through the subcase drop-down menu in the Results browser.
    The animation will update automatically.