Edit a Datum Line

  1. From the modeling window, select a datum line.
    The datum attributes are displayed in the Plot Browser.
    Figure 1. Plot Browser, Datum Lines View

  1. From the modeling window, select a datum line, right-click, and select Edit.
    The datum line Entity Editor is displayed.
    Note: Double-click on a datum line also opens the floating Entity Editor.
    Figure 2. Entity Editor for Datum Lines

  2. Edit the datum attributes as needed.
    Please select from the following options:
    The name of the datum line.
    The datum label displayed in the plot window, which can be edited as needed.
    Select to display the datum line in the plot window.
    The location of the datum line on the curve. Enter a new value to reposition the datum line. The value can be any of the following:
    • A single value.
    • A math expression that returns a single value (without curly brackets, {}).
    • A math expression as a function of x or y, with x or y being the horizontal or vertical axes values, respectively.
    Associated Axis
    The axis associated with the datum.
    Horiztonal or veritical.
    Font Settings
    Edit the font settings for the datum line label.
    Label Location
    Position the datum line label with respect to the datum line.
    Line Style, Thickness, and Color
    Select a line style and thickness from the drop-down menus. Click the color icon to edit the datum line's color.