poISelectionSet GetSelectionRulesList

Retrieves a list of previously applied selection rules for the selection set.


selectionSet_handle GetSelectionRulesList


HyperView Tcl Query


This command returns a list of selection rules which had been used on the selection set in TCL-list format.


To create a selection set for nodes and use GetSelectionRules and GetSelectionRulesList to retrieve the previously used selection rules on it:
hwi OpenStack
hwi GetSessionHandle session_handle
session_handle GetProjectHandle project_handle
project_handle GetPageHandle page_handle [project_handle GetActivePage]
page_handle GetWindowHandle window_handle [page_handle GetActiveWindow]
window_handle GetClientHandle client_handle
client_handle GetModelHandle model_handle [client_handle GetActiveModel]

model_handle GetSelectionSetHandle selection_set_handle [model_handle AddSelectionSet node]
selection_set_handle SetLabel "OurNodeSelectionSet"

#adds a couple of nodes with different selection rules
selection_set_handle Add "id 1-100"
selection_set_handle Add "id 100-200"
selection_set_handle Subtract "id 101-110"
puts "Selection set includes : [selection_set_handle GetSize] [selection_set_handle GetType]s"
puts "Previously used selection rules are : "
puts "in tcl-string format: "
puts [selection_set_handle GetSelectionRules]
puts "in tcl-list format: "
puts [selection_set_handle GetSelectionRulesList]

hwi CloseStack


This command should not return any errors.