
This command is used to query whether or not this mdlTempListCollector widget allows the user to resolve the references by any means other than graphically picking. If the mdlTempListCollector allows the user to resolve the entity references from the tree (not just graphically picking), then “true” is returned, otherwise “false” is returned. The user could have used the “-allowAdvSel” option when the mdlTempListCollector widget was created. That option tells the mdlTempListCollector widget to allow or not allow the user to resolve the references using the dialog containing a tree and list of valid entities that is displayed when the already activated mdlTempListCollector is activated again.


::model::mdlTempListCollector::AllowAdvSel argFrm


MotionView Tcl


This command is used to query whether or not this mdlTempListCollector widget allows the user to resolve the references by any means other than graphically picking. If the mdlTempListCollector allows the user to resolve the entity references from the tree (not just graphically picking), then “true” is returned, otherwise “false” is returned. The user could have used the “-allowAdvSel” option when the mdlTempListCollector widget was created. That option tells the mdlTempListCollector widget to allow or not allow the user to resolve the references using the dialog containing a tree and list of valid entities that is displayed when the already activated mdlTempListCollector is activated again.


This is the path of the mdlTempListCollector for which you want to know whether the user can resolve the references by any means other than graphically picking.


set selected_ent ""
set first_var ""
set top [toplevel .test]
set colFrm [frame $top.tmpFrm1 ]
pack $colFrm
set types {{Graphic Graphic ::selected_ent} {Body Body ::selected_ent}}
set list_col [::model::mdlTempListCollector $colFrm.lcol ::first_var "$types"]
pack $list_col
::model::mdlTempListCollector::AllowAdvSel $list_col


On successful execution of the command, it will return a Boolean value:
If the user is allowed to resolve the references using the dialog that is created when the activated mdlTempListCollector is re-activated.
If the user is only allowed to resolve the references using graphical picking.