- ::AddToolbarIcon
This command will create a new toolbar and add an icon to the toolbar.
- ::DrawActiveWindow
This command is used to draw the active window in the active page. There is an option to “fit” all of the model contents within the graphic area.
- ::EscapeCharacterInstances
- ::EscapeEmbededQuotesIfLiteral
This command will insert a “\” character before every instance of a specified character in a specified string.
- ::GetAggregateCGAndInertia
This command will return the aggregate Mass, CG, Moment of Inertia, or Product of Inertia based on the inputs specified. On successful execution of the command, it will return the aggregate value or values. The moment of inertia and product of inertia values returned are with respect to a coordinate system parallel to Global Frame at the aggregate CG of the bodies provided in the list argList.
- ::GetClientHandle
This command will get a handle for the MotionView client in the active page and the active window.
- ::GetCurrentLRTab
This command gets the current “side” tab that is selected when the current panel is for a pair entity. This command only gets the current “Left” or “Right” values for the “side” tab if the panel is a Tcl/Tk panel. It returns “L” when the “Left” side is selected and “R” when it is the “Right” side. If the current panel is for a single entity, the last selected “side” tab is returned.
- ::GetMangle
This command will return a single string that starts with an underscore (“_”), then a unique numeric value, then another underscore followed by the string specified for the “argInfo” argument. This function is commonly used to get a unique name that can be used for a handle name.
- ::GetNamespaceList
This command is used retrieve all the public namespaces which are exposed to the users as a list.
- ::GetNextAvailableVarnameAndLabel
This command will be used to get the next available (not already used) pair of varname and label values for a given base name and base label within a given system.
- ::GetPanelSelection
This command returns the full varname of the last selected entity for the specified Tcl panel. If there had not yet been a selection for the specified panel, if there had been a pick for the System panel, that is returned, otherwise an empty string is returned.
- ::GetProcedureList
This command is used retrieve all the public exposed methods for a given namespace as a list.
- ::GetValidLocationToAddItem
From the current selected item(s) in the browser, this command will return the deepest valid (full variable name) container (Assembly/System/Analysis/Template, etc.) for adding an instance of the specified registered entity type.
- ::IsSystemTyped
This command will be used to determine whether a particular system or analysis or assembly is typed or not. In order for a container to be typed, the user must have specified either a type after the TYPED keyword in the MDL definition or specified a type in the container’s “Properties” tab in the GUI.
- ::IsValidVarname
This command will check all of the characters of the specified variable name to ensure that they are all valid for a MotionView varname. This is a generic test only and does not ensure that the variable name is valid within a particular context. Variable names in MotionView must start with a letter and can contain only letters, numbers and the underscore character.
- ::ListNamespaces
This command is used to retrieve all the public namespaces which are exposed to the users. Each namespace will be displayed in a new line.
- ::ListProcedures
This command is used retrieve all the public exposed methods for a given namespace. Each method will be displayed in a new line.
- ::mdl3StateEntry
This command creates an mdl3StateEntry widget that is tied to a numerical data member of an existing entity in the model. The mdl3StateEntry widget can accept a scalar numerical value or an equation. When an equation is entered, the equation is stored in the data member as a raw value and the evaluated results are displayed. The entry turns blue to indicate it is an evaluated value.
- ::mdlArray
This command creates a CheckBox widget that is tied to a data member of an existing entity in the model.
- ::mdlAttachmentTable
This command creates a table widget for the attachments. This table allows the user to edit and/or resolve the attachments that it contains. The table supports either a system (all of the attachments for that system) or a list of attachments.
- ::mdlCheckBox
This command creates a CheckBox widget that is tied to a data member of an existing entity in the model.
- ::mdlCollector
This command creates a mdlCollector widget that is tied to a Reference data member of an existing entity in the model.
- ::mdlComboBox
This command creates an mdlComboBox widget that is tied to a list variable.
- ::mdlComboBoxDM
This command creates an mdlComboBoxDM widget that is tied to a data member of an existing entity in the model.
- ::mdlFileName
This command creates an mdlFileName widget that is tied to a FileName data member of an existing entity in the model.
- ::mdlForm
This command will be used to create a form widget and this will be attached to the form entity passed as an argument. This mdlForm widget is a “table”-like widget with its contents completely defined by the form entity defined in the MDL.
- ::mdlIntDMComboBox
This command will be used to create a form widget and this will be attached to the form entity passed as an argument. This mdlForm widget is a “table”-like widget with its contents completely defined by the form entity defined in the MDL.
- ::mdlListCollector
This command will be used to create a list collector widget and this widget will be attached to the data member specified in the argument. A list collector is a collector for more than one type and each type has its selection managed independently. It is like a combobox of collectors of different types and any selection made for each individual type is set independently. For example, if the mdlListCollector is for a MultiRef member (Point (pt) and Vector (vec)) data member, when the list collector is set to Point, the selection is set and retrieved from the “pt” data member. When the list collector is set to Vector, the selection is set and retrieved from the “vec” data member.
- ::mdlMatrix
This command will be used to create an mdlMatrix widget. It contains a matrix of entry widgets based on the row and column numbers specified. If the number of rows and/or number of columns are not specified, the dimensions of the matrix will not be set.
- ::mdlNonLinear
This command will be used to create an mdlNonlinear widget, this widget contains a combobox and it allows the user to specify a curve, spline3D, value or expression properties based on the combobox selection.
- ::mdlOption
This command will be used to create an option widget (combobox).
- ::mdlOrientation
This command will be used to create an orientation widget, which contains collectors, list collectors, and combo boxes to allow the user to orient an entity. It also may contain a “DC” button that presents the current orientation in a direction cosine dialog.
- ::mdlStringEntry
This command creates an entry widget associated with the data member handle specified. The widget will provide an interface for the String data member allowing the user to modify the stored string value. This widget does not link with an editbar. The associated data member value is set to exactly what is displayed in the widget.
- ::mdlSymCheckBox
This command can be used to create a mdlSymCheckBox widget which will be attached to the “sym” data member (by default) of the pair entity passed as an argument. The widget contains the necessary logic to prompt the user regarding copying values (from leader to follower side) and/or breaking symmetry. It also contains common logic that is used to allow or disallow the user from turning the symmetry on or off for an entity.
- ::mdlTableForm
This command will be used to create an mdlTableForm widget and this will be attached to the table form entity passed as an argument. This widget will display the “records” for a table form entity in rows of the mdlTableForm widget. The individual cell contents are by default created based on the type of data that they contain.
- ::mdlTempCollector
This command will be used to create a collector widget used to resolve a reference, but this widget will not be attached to any entity data members. Instead, it will set and retrieve the reference value from a Tcl variable. Like the mdlCollector widget, this widget will let the user pick an entity of the allowed type either graphically or from a tree.
- ::mdlTempFileName
This command creates a widget that represents a filename value that is referenced by a variable (not a data member of an entity).
- ::mdlTempListCollector
This command will be used to create an mdlTempListCollector widget. This widget is a collector that lets the user select multiple different types and hold on to each reference individually. It is not attached to a data member so it gets/sets its value from the specified variables. The widget is a “combobox” of mdlTempCollectors of different entity types. The user can select the type of entity that they want to resolve and then resolve it. The resolutions for the other types are not lost, they are individually maintained. The list of types includes a variable to hold the value for each type. This widget will not be attached to any data members.
- ::mdlTempMultiPickCollector
This command creates a widget that allows the user to pick entities from a hard-coded list that is presented in the graphical user interface. This could be used to limit the user’s picks. The widget itself is composed of a collector that is used to set the pick mode (for graphic picking), a list box that contains the available picks, and some convenience buttons to select all/select none/toggle selection.
- ::mdlWizardDlg
This command creates a dialog designed to easily contain multiple “pages”, multiple configurable buttons and a “built-in” message box to report messages.
- ::RegisterTypedAnalysis
This command registers a new customized analysis entity type in MotionView.
- ::SelectItems
This command will select the item specified as an argument in the browser and will display the respective panel. If more than 1 item is specified in the selection list, the items are all marked selected in the browser, but the model panel is displayed.
- ::SetCurrentLRTab
This command is used to set which LEFT/RIGHT tab of a panel is selected if any panel’s selected entity is a pair.
- ::ShowDetailsForThisEntity
This command is used to request if the entities contained within a registered entity (container) are to be displayed in the browser.
- ::UpdateCurrentPanel
This command reloads the current panel for the current solver mode if a current panel is displayed. If there was no panel displayed when this procedure is called, nothing happens. If the solver mode was changed while a panel was displayed, this procedure will reload the panel for the updated solver mode (in case the panel was solver-specific).