
This command will be used to create an mdlTableForm widget and this will be attached to the table form entity passed as an argument. This widget will display the “records” for a table form entity in rows of the mdlTableForm widget. The individual cell contents are by default created based on the type of data that they contain.


::model::mdlTableForm frmPath tfHandle


MotionView Tcl


This command will be used to create an mdlTableForm widget and this will be attached to the table form entity passed as an argument. This widget will display the “records” for a table form entity in rows of the mdlTableForm widget. The individual cell contents are by default created based on the type of data that they contain.


The frame on which the mdlTableForm widget will be created is passed as an argument.
You need to pass the handle of the table form entity for which you need to display the mdlTableForm widget.


#Load the default Assembly wizard model (select all default options) from Assembly wizard and then load the “Static Load Analysis” (select all the default options) event from the Task wizard. Then get the handle of the TableForm entity as shown below.

::model::GetHandleFromFullVarname tblfrmhandle MODEL.an_static_ld_frnt.frm_event.subform___1_1

#Then pass the “tblfrmhandle” as the input to mdlTableForm.

 set top [toplevel .test]
set colFrm [frame $top.tmpFrm1 ]
pack $colFrm
set tableframe [::model::mdlTableForm $colFrm.tblfrm tblfrmhandle]
pack $tableframe


On successful execution of the command, it will create a mdlTableForm widget.