
From the current selected item(s) in the browser, this command will return the deepest valid (full variable name) container (Assembly/System/Analysis/Template, etc.) for adding an instance of the specified registered entity type.


::model::GetValidLocationToAddItem argRegType


MotionView Tcl


From the current selected item(s) in the browser, this command will return the deepest valid (full variable name) container (Assembly/System/Analysis/Template, etc.) for adding an instance of the specified registered entity type.


You need to send registered entity type (Point,Body,Vector,….) that you are getting the valid location to add to as an argument.


set varParentOfSystem [::model::GetValidLocationToAddItem Point]
 if { [::model::IsValidVarname $varParentOfSystem] } {
          ::model::GetHandleFromFullVarname sh varParentOfSystem
          set new_varname "p_test"
          sh InterpretEntity ph Point $new_varname "\"Point 1\""
          ph InterpretSet SetPoint p_0 10 20 30
          ph ReleaseHandle
         sh ReleaseHandle
# After this, a point gets created in the deepest container for all of the selected entities in the model browser


Returns the full varname of a container if successful.