This command creates a widget that represents a filename value that is referenced by a variable (not a data member of an entity).
::model::mdlTempFileName path variable openFile args
MotionView Tcl GUI
This command creates a widget that represents a filename value that is referenced by a variable (not a data member of an entity).
- path
- The full name of the path that is to be used by the mdlTempFileName widget.
- variable
- The Tcl variable that will be used to store and retrieve the selected filename value.
- openFile
- The Boolean flag that determines whether the widget is for opening a file (the selected file must exist) or saving a file (the selected file does not need to exist, but the user is warned if it does).
- args
- A list of arguments to further configure the mdlTempFileName widget.
To create a dialog that will contain an mdlTempFileName widget (to save
a file) whose name is stored in a
namespace eval ::my_sample {
variable fn ""
set tl [toplevel .top]
wm geometry $tl 400x100
wm title $tl "Example mdlTempFileName Widget"
grid rowconfigure $tl 0 -weight 1
grid columnconfigure $tl 0 -weight 1
set tmpFN [::model::mdlTempFileName $tl.tmpFN ::my_sample::fn 0]
grid $tmpFN -row 0 -column 0 -sticky new