
This command will be used to set the text in the entry portion of the mdlTempCollector widget. This will make the mdlTempCollector appear to be resolved to this specified text, but when the referenced varname is requested from the mdlTempCollector widget, the value stored in the associated variable is returned.


::model::mdlTempCollector::SetText argFrm argText argValue


MotionView Tcl


This command will be used to set the text in the entry portion of the mdlTempCollector widget. This will make the mdlTempCollector appear to be resolved to this specified text, but when the referenced varname is requested from the mdlTempCollector widget, the value stored in the associated variable is returned.


You need to pass the path of the mdlTempCollector widget in the above argument, for which you want to set the text for.
This is the text value that will be displayed as the selected reference for the mdlTempCollector.


set selected_point ""
set top [toplevel .test]
set colFrm [frame $top.tmpFrm1 ]
pack $colFrm
set point_col [::model::mdlTempCollector $colFrm.ptcol ::selected_point "Point" "Point" ]
pack $point_col
::model::mdlTempCollector::SetText $point_col "B_Ground"


On successful execution of the command, the new text will be displayed in the entry of the mdlTempCollector widget.