- mdlIObject AddAssembly
Adds an assembly using an existing data file.
- mdlIObject AddAssemblyPlaceholder
Adds an assembly placeholder.
- mdlIObject AddAttachment
Adds an attachment to definition type entities (System, Analysis, Template, or Assembly).
- mdlIObject AddNewAssembly
Adds a new assembly from an existing or new data and definition file.
- mdlIObject AddNewExternalSystem
Adds a new definition type entity (System, Template, Dataset, Graphic system or Analysis).
- mdlIObject AddSystemFromDefInMemory
Adds a system from an existing definition.
- mdlIObject AddSystemFromImportedInlinedDef
Adds a new system from an existing definition file.
- mdlIObject AddSystemFromNewInlinedDef
Adds a new definition type entity.
- mdlIObject AppendMdltoSystem
Appends MDL statements to the System.
- mdlIObject BeginChildFastGet
Obtains a list for a particular entity type and then later obtains a handle for one of its child objects.
- mdlIObject BeginFlatListFastGet
Obtains the list of the entities present in the model based on the entity type specified.
- mdlIObject BeginReferenceFastGet
Obtains the list of objects that reference 'the selected' object.
- mdlIObject CutObject
Cuts the object (which is another way of deleting an entity).
- mdlIObject Delete
Deletes an object/entity.
- mdlIObject DeleteRecord
Deletes one or multiple table entries.
- mdlIObject DeselectAssembly
Deselects an Assembly and converts it to an Assembly Placeholder.
- mdlIObject EndChildFastGet
Ends the BeginChildFastGet or BeginFlatListFastGet commands.
- mdlIObject EvaluateEntityTemplate
Creates and evaluates a temporary Templex template using the user-provided text.
- mdlIObject GetCandidateList
Gets the list of attachment candidates which can be resolved to an attachment based on the attachment tag.
- mdlIObject GetChangeStatus
Gets the status if there is a change in Data or Definition.
- mdlIObject GetChildHandleByIdx
Obtains the handle of the child object using its index value.
- mdlIObject GetDefinitionName
Gets the definition name of a definition type entity.
- mdlIObject GetDefinitionType
Gets the definition type of an Assembly.
- mdlIObject GetFullLocalLabel
Obtains the label of the child object.
- mdlIObject GetFullVarname
Obtains the full variable of the child object.
- mdlIObject GetGlobalAddressFromLocalAddress
Gets the global address from the specified local address.
- mdlIObject GetLabel
Obtains the label of the child object.
- mdlIObject GetLinkedSystemList
Gets the list of the systems which are linked to particular system. Linked systems can be either DATA or DEFINITION linked.
- mdlIObject GetLocalAddressFromGlobalAddress
Gets the local address from the specified global address.
- mdlIObject GetNumberOfChildren
Gets the number of child objects under a particular entity type.
- mdlIObject GetObjectHandle
Obtains the handle to an object.
- mdlIObject GetObjectHandleFromSymbol
Gets the handle of an entity using a known symbol (for example, variable name).
- mdlIObject GetParentHandle
Gets back the parent handle from its child.
- mdlIObject GetSelectionType
Gets the value from the 'selection_type' data member.
- mdlIObject GetSourceFile
Obtains information about the source file for the assembly created in the model.
- mdlIObject GetState
The state of an object depends upon three different states: “User State”, “Definable State”, and “If State”. You can only set the “User State” (the checkbox located in the upper right portion of every panel), the other two states are used by MotionView to automatically turn off certain items.
- mdlIObject GetSystemHandle
Gets the handle to the system from anywhere in the hierarchy (after the model handle).
- mdlIObject GetType
Gets the entity/object type.
- mdlIObject GetUserState
Retrieves the state of an object as set by the user in the checkbox (either checked or unchecked).
- mdlIObject GetVarname
Obtains the variable of the child object.
- mdlIObject HighlightGraphic
Determines if a graphic under an object is highlighted or not.
- mdlIObject InsertRecord
Deletes one or multiple table entries.
- mdlIObject InterpretEntity
Adds a new entity using the MDL statements keyword, variable name, and label.
- mdlIObject InterpretSet
Adds a new set statement to the system.
- mdlIObject IsAssembly
Determines if an object is an assembly or not.
- mdlIObject IsDataMember
Determines if the entity is a data member or not.
- mdlIObject IsDataSetData
Determines whether or not the entity belongs to a DataSet.
- mdlIObject IsDefinition
Determines if the entity is a definition type or not.
- mdlIObject IsEqual
Determines if two handles point to the same object.
- mdlIObject IsGraphic
Determines if the entity is a graphic entity.
- mdlIObject IsHalfOfPair
Determines if an object is a half of a pair.
- mdlIObject IsImplicit
Determines if the object is implicitly defined (that is, it was not defined explicitly by the user).
- mdlIObject IsInStandardInclude
Determines whether the object is included in the standard include file.
- mdlIObject IsModel
Determines if the selected entity is a model entity.
- mdlIObject IsPair
Determines if an object is a pair entity.
- mdlIObject IsSelected
Determines whether or not an Assembly contains a data/definition file.
- mdlIObject IsSystem
Determines whether an entity is a system or not.
- mdlIObject IsValidChildVarname
Determines if the specified 'varname' is valid.
- mdlIObject OutlineGraphic
Highlights the outline of a graphic for visual identification of that particular graphic.
- mdlIObject PasteObject
Pastes an object.
- mdlIObject ReplaceAssembly
Replaces an existing assembly in the model with another assembly from the Suspension Library.
- mdlIObject ReplaceEntity
Replaces an existing entity with a new entity using the class variable name from the MDF file.
- mdlIObject ReplaceEntityAdvanced
Replaces an existing entity with a new entity using MDL statement keywords and the remaining statement tokens.
- mdlIObject SaveAll
Saves the model.
- mdlIObject SaveAs
Saves the model to a specified file.
- mdlIObject SaveObject
Saves the model to a specified location.
- mdlIObject SaveOnly
Saves the object.
- mdlIObject SelectAssembly
Selects an existing data file for an Assembly Placeholder.
- mdlIObject SetDefinitionName
Sets the definition name of a definition type entity.
- mdlIObject SetDefinitionType
Sets the definition type of an Assembly or external Analysis.
- mdlIObject SetLabel
Sets/changes the label of an object.
- mdlIObject SetSelectionType
Sets the selection type of an Assembly or external Analysis.
- mdlIObject SetSourceFile
Specifies a new location and file to which the current Data or Definition information will be saved to.