mdlIObject DeselectAssembly

Deselects an Assembly and converts it to an Assembly Placeholder.


mdlIObject_handle DeselectAssembly


MotionView Tcl Modify


This command converts the selected Assembly into an Assembly Placeholder. It can be viewed as a command to remove data and definition files from an Assembly. The Assembly then just becomes a container which can hold the data and definitions.


To deselect an Assembly and convert it to an Assembly Placeholder:
hwi GetSessionHandle mySessionName 
mySessionName GetProjectHandle myProjectName 
set activePageNum [myProjectName GetActivePage]
myProjectName GetPageHandle myPageName $activePageNum
set activeWinNum [myPageName GetActiveWindow]
myPageName GetWindowHandle myWindowName $activeWinNum
myWindowName GetClientHandle myClientName 
myClientName GetModelHandle myModelName 
myModelName GetObjectHandle obj_handle
obj_handle AddNewAssembly assem_handle assem_0 "\"Assembly 0\"" C:/temp/data_file.mdl C:/temp/def_file.mdl true assem_def_name assem_type; 
assem_handle DeselectAssembly
assem_handle ReleaseHandle;
obj_handle ReleaseHandle;
myModelName ReleaseHandle
myClientName ReleaseHandle
myWindowName ReleaseHandle
myPageName ReleaseHandle
myProjectName ReleaseHandle
mySessionName ReleaseHandle


Returns 0 if successful, otherwise an error code.