Post-process the simulation results by creating visualizations and measurements.
Use the Plots tools to render spatial data as a 2D plot.
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Solution-centric workflows allow you to traverse through modeling environments using a dedicated UI layer.
Create, open, import, and save models.
Use the Convert tool to convert entire models between data types.
Manage CAD, FE, and 2D parametric sketch geometry.
Generate surface/volume mesh by defining mesh controls, or interactively create and edit 2D surface mesh.
Prepare your model and run the simulation.
Use the Post Browser to create, edit, and review post-processing visualizations and measurements.
Use the options in the display properties microdialog to define post-processing visualizations.
Control the animation of transient results while post-processing.
Use the Boundary Groups tool to create a group of surfaces and define display properties. These surface groups can be utilized to group boundaries as required and define specific display properties.
Use the Slice Planes tool to create derived geometry by slicing solids on a plane and defining display properties. The result of slicing is a 2D planar face.
Use the Iso-Surfaces tool to a create a derived geometry surface with a specific constant scalar value and define display properties. The shape of the iso-surface is dependent on domains and flow field.
Use the Streamlines tools to create derived geometry streamlines which represent particle paths in a flow field. You have to define participating solids, seed points, and vectors from which streamlines are computed as well as the integration direction. There are various methods to generate seed points.
Use the Surface Streamlines tool to create streamlines on surfaces with given seeds.
Use the Box and Scalar Clip tools to hide portions of your model, allowing you to better view areas of interest.
Use the Vortex Core tool to identify regions in the flow where vortices exist.
Use the Probe Points tool to define a point or set of points at specific co-ordinates and probe/query results. This is useful for verifying experimental results with simulation result.
Use the Integration tool to get integrated quantities on surfaces, solids, volumes, slice planes, and iso-surfaces.
Use the Calculate tool to create new field quantities using a python expression. The new fields can be derived from existing fields or be completely independent of other results in the dataset.
Use the Plots: Rake tool to render a 2D plot using a rake.
Use the Plots: Intersection Curves tool to render a 2D plot by extracting the intersection curve of a plane and a surface.
Process a surface or volume output or point probe file created from data as a part of the General Signal Processing (GSP) workflow that is utilized for Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA).
Prepare the FW-H set of inputs that define the acoustic source (output from an ultraFluidX simulation) and target microphone locations to compute air borne noise propagation.
Use the Engineering Quantities tool to simplify the calculation of values that are commonly used during the post-processing of CFD results.
Use the Notes tool to add annotations in the modeling window.
Capture the current state of the post-processing session and save it. Recreate the state using a saved state file and apply it to other models.
Automate simulation processes with templates and utility scripts.
Once the baseline model is prepared, you can define morph volumes, morph geometry, create design shapes and run DOE studies. These tool work for both AcuSolve and ultraFluidX-based workflows.
More resources for AcuSolve and ultraFluidX solvers.
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