Create Iso-Surfaces

Use the Iso-Surfaces tool to a create a derived geometry surface with a specific constant scalar value and define display properties. The shape of the iso-surface is dependent on domains and flow field.

  1. From the Post ribbon, click the Iso-Surfaces tool.
    Figure 1.

  2. Optional: Select input solids to create iso-surfaces.
    By default, all solids all selected.
  3. In the microdialog, select an iso variable/scalar and define a value.
  4. Click Calculate.
    An iso-surface geometry is created in the Post Browser.
  5. Use the tabs in the display properties microdialog to define plot contour data, vectors, contour lines, mesh lines, and feature lines.
  6. On the guide bar, click to confirm your selection and remain in the tool or click to confirm your selection and exit the tool.
Tip: To edit the iso-surface definition (scalar and iso value) and display style, right-click on an iso-surface in the Post Browser and select Edit. Click Iso function on the guide bar to view the iso variable/scalar definition options.