Circular repetition of objects


The operation Circular repetition of the objects permits for the duplication of the objects N times around an axis.

Structure of the operation Circular repetition

The operation Circular repetition of objects is described by:

  • A coordinate system for the creation of points (active coordinate system in the list available on the graphic View)
  • A list of objects to repeat
  • A rotation axis (an existing line, or a reference line)
  • The angle of repetition
  • The number of repetitions
  • The appearance of the resulting objects (color and visibility)
Dialog box Illustration


The creation of an operation of Circular repetition has as results :

  • A geometric operation CIRCULAR_1.
  • As many geometric operations as the objects repeated CIRCULAR_1_1, CIRCULAR_1_2… (it permits to isolate each object duplicated and to use them independently then).
  • As many objects as the objects to turn symmetric OBJ_ CIRCULAR _1_1, OBJ_ CIRCULAR_1_2, …
  • The addition of the geometric operation CIRCULAR_1 in the list of geometric operations of each of origin objects
  • The addition of the geometric operations CIRCULAR_1_1, CIRCULAR_1_2… in each of the objects resulting from the repetition (OBJ_ CIRCULAR_1_1, OBJ_ CIRCULAR_1_2, …)


The different accesses of the operation Circular repetition are:

  • By menu: Tools > Circular repetition > New
  • By icon:

Creation of a circular repetition

The creation process of a circular repetition is presented in the table below.

Stage Description
1 Choice of the coordinate system of creation
2 Opening the dialog box Circular repetition

Choice of the name of the generated Geometric operation

(by default: CIRCULAR _1)

4 Choice of objects to repeat
5 Choice of rotation axis of the repetition
6 Enter the the angle of repetition
7 Enter the number of repetitions
8 Validation by clicking on OK


In the modification only the axis of rotation, the angle of repetition and the number of repetitions are modifiable.

The list of objects to repeat is not modifiable.

Example of circular repetition

By means of an example, here are the geometric operations and the objects that are created during an operation of circular repetition of objects.

Studied example: repetition of a slot (number of repetitions = 7, angle of repetition = 45°)

Before repetition After repetition
Data Tree
Geometric operations

1 geometric operation:

  • EXTRUDE_1 : creation of OBJ_EXTRUDE_1

8 new geometric operations:

  • (Parent) CIRCULAR_1 : creation of the repetition
  • (Son) CIRCULAR_1_1 : creation of OBJ_CIRCULAR_1_1
  • (Son) CIRCULAR_1_7 :creation of OBJ_CIRCULAR_1_7
Building tree of the origin object (slot)
Building trees of the resulting objects _



