Modeler functionalities
Here is a table listing the functionalities of the modeler.
Functionalities | Description | |
Reference point | Allow creating a reference point usable by other functionalities | |
Reference line | Allow creating a reference line usable by other functionalities | |
Reference plane | Allow creating a reference plane usable by other functionalities | |
Primitive Block | Allow building a bloc in a single action | |
Primitive Cylinder | Allow building a cylinder in a single action | |
Primitive Cone | Allow building a cone in a single action | |
Boolean operation Union | Allow uniting objects into a single object | |
Boolean operation Subtraction | Allow subtracting objects to another object | |
Boolean operation Intersection | Allow intersecting objects and obtaining as resulting object, the common part between objects | |
Boolean operation Assembly | Allow assembling objects into a single object and correcting potential collisions between objects | |
Fillet | Allow rounding angles of object | |
Chamfer | Allow breaking angle of objects | |
Symmetry | Allow duplicating objects one time by symmetry | |
Linear repetition | Allow repeating objects N times with a user vector | |
Circular repetition | Allow repeating objects N times around an axis with an user angle | |
Rotation | Allow rotating objects around an axis | |
Translation | Allow move an object according to a vector | |
Sketch | Allow creating a 2D profile to be extruded (use Sketcher tools) | |
Extrusion along vector | Allow extruding faces along a vector | |
Extrusion around axis | Allow extruding faces around axis | |
Helicoidal extrusion | Allow extruding faces along an helix around an axis | |
Extrusion along a path | Allow extruding faces along a path (parameterized or defined by a list of points) | |
Cutting objects | Allow cutting objects intersecting a reference plane | |
Defeaturing objects | Allow defeaturing fillets / chamfers / holes of objects | |
Cleaning faces |
Allow removing faces and filling with neighbouring entities For example, useful to remove incrustations, engravings, slots, no regular holes, fillet… |
Separation of volumes | Allow separating an object composed by N volumes in N objects. It is possible to choose only volumes to separate | |
Removing volumes | Allow removing cell of an object ( corresponding to one volume, faces, lines and points) without delete the object | |
2D CAD export | Allow exporting in a 2D CAD file a cut of a 3D object a long a reference plane | |
Detection small lines | Allow detecting small lines according to an user criteria | |
Detection small faces | Allow detecting small faces according to an user criteria | |
Detection small volumes | Allow detecting small volumes according to an user criteria | |
Detection hypertangences | Allow detecting hypertangences according to an user criteria | |
Simplification small lines | Allow simplifying small lines previously detected by merging with a neighboring line | |
Simplification small faces | Allow simplifying small faces previously detected by merging with a neighboring face | |
Simplification small volumes | Allow simplifying small volumes previously detected by merging with a neighboring volume | |
Checking defects on ACIs entities | Allow checking geometric defects on entities ACIS on each object | |
Healing defects on ACIs entities | Allow healing geometric defects on entities ACIS on each object | |
Detection interference between objects | Allow detecting interferences between objects (interferences of “collision” type and “coincidence” type) | |
| Reparation of a face | Allow deleting and rebuilding a face that is a problem to mesh due to a bad ACIS parameterizing (equivalent to the "Cover Wire" function) |
Each functionality is described with more details in this chapter.
Movie examples
Several movies using the functionalities of the modeler are available.
Build an Induction Motor with the modeler.
Movie |
Build an Linear actuator with the modeler.
Movie |
Build a simple Induction Motor
Movie |
Import a CAD files, simplify and defeature
Movie |
Old Project converted in object to complete the geometry in the modeler | Movie |