Modeler functionalities


Here is a table listing the functionalities of the modeler.

Functionalities Description
Reference point Allow creating a reference point usable by other functionalities
Reference line Allow creating a reference line usable by other functionalities
Reference plane Allow creating a reference plane usable by other functionalities
Primitive Block Allow building a bloc in a single action
Primitive Cylinder Allow building a cylinder in a single action
Primitive Cone Allow building a cone in a single action
Boolean operation Union Allow uniting objects into a single object
Boolean operation Subtraction Allow subtracting objects to another object
Boolean operation Intersection Allow intersecting objects and obtaining as resulting object, the common part between objects
Boolean operation Assembly Allow assembling objects into a single object and correcting potential collisions between objects
Fillet Allow rounding angles of object
Chamfer Allow breaking angle of objects
Symmetry Allow duplicating objects one time by symmetry
Linear repetition Allow repeating objects N times with a user vector
Circular repetition Allow repeating objects N times around an axis with an user angle
Rotation Allow rotating objects around an axis
Translation Allow move an object according to a vector
Sketch Allow creating a 2D profile to be extruded (use Sketcher tools)
Extrusion along vector Allow extruding faces along a vector
Extrusion around axis Allow extruding faces around axis
Helicoidal extrusion Allow extruding faces along an helix around an axis
Extrusion along a path Allow extruding faces along a path (parameterized or defined by a list of points)
Cutting objects Allow cutting objects intersecting a reference plane
Defeaturing objects Allow defeaturing fillets / chamfers / holes of objects
Cleaning faces

Allow removing faces and filling with neighbouring entities

For example, useful to remove incrustations, engravings, slots, no regular holes, fillet…

Separation of volumes Allow separating an object composed by N volumes in N objects. It is possible to choose only volumes to separate
Removing volumes Allow removing cell of an object ( corresponding to one volume, faces, lines and points) without delete the object
  2D CAD export Allow exporting in a 2D CAD file a cut of a 3D object a long a reference plane
Detection small lines Allow detecting small lines according to an user criteria
Detection small faces Allow detecting small faces according to an user criteria
Detection small volumes Allow detecting small volumes according to an user criteria
Detection hypertangences Allow detecting hypertangences according to an user criteria
Simplification small lines Allow simplifying small lines previously detected by merging with a neighboring line
Simplification small faces Allow simplifying small faces previously detected by merging with a neighboring face
Simplification small volumes Allow simplifying small volumes previously detected by merging with a neighboring volume
Checking defects on ACIs entities Allow checking geometric defects on entities ACIS on each object
Healing defects on ACIs entities Allow healing geometric defects on entities ACIS on each object
Detection interference between objects Allow detecting interferences between objects (interferences of “collision” type and “coincidence” type)
  Reparation of a face Allow deleting and rebuilding a face that is a problem to mesh due to a bad ACIS parameterizing (equivalent to the "Cover Wire" function)

Each functionality is described with more details in this chapter.

Movie examples

Several movies using the functionalities of the modeler are available.

Build an Induction Motor with the modeler.

  • Create cylinders
  • Subtraction
  • Cut
  • Chamfers
  • Union, chamfer …

Build an Linear actuator with the modeler.

  • Primitives
  • Chamfers, fillets
  • Sketch + extrusion
  • Parameterizing
  • Symetries, translation etc.
  • Union, assembly …

Build a simple Induction Motor

  • Creating sketches of the 2D view + extrusion
  • Making assembly, union …

Import a CAD files, simplify and defeature

  • import a CAD geometry
  • detection and simplification of small entities (point, line, face)
  • defeaturing (hole, fillet, chamfer)
Old Project converted in object to complete the geometry in the modeler Movie