Creating the Wire Port

Define a wire port at the end of Feedline with label Port1.

myPort = myProject.Contents.Ports:AddWirePort(myUnion.Wires[1])
myPort.Label = "Port1"
Figure 1. A wire port is placed at the end of Feedline with label Port1.

  1. A port is a object and since there may be multiple objects in the model, it is part of the PortCollection.
  2. Search for PortCollection in the Help1.
  3. In the Help, under PortCollection > Method List, search for methods that are applicable to geometry wire ports:
    • AddWirePort (table table)
    • AddWirePort (wire Edge)
    To create a wire port, we will use the method:
    AddWirePort(wire Edge)
  4. Add the wire where wire port will be placed.
    Note: Use indexing to access a face, wire, edge or region in the details tree.
  5. Determine the syntax to prepend to AddWirePort:
    1. Since AddWirePort is a method, it is indicated by prepending a : (colon).
    2. In the Help, under PortCollection > Usage locations, note the following:
      ModelContents object has collection Ports.2
    3. Click ModelContents.
    4. In the Help, under ModelContents > Usage locations, note the following:
      Model object has property Contents3
      Since we know that Model is the one of the top levels in the model tree, the result is then:
    5. Since the project is the highest level, we prepend our reference to the project:
  6. Add a reference to the newly created wire port:
    myPort = myProject.Contents.Ports:AddWirePort(myUnion.Wires[1])
  7. Set the wire port label to Port1:
    myPort.Label = "Port1"
    Tip: View the WirePort (object) in the Help for a short example.
1 The API is available in the Feko Scripting and API Reference Guide (PDF) or Feko WebHelp.
2 The part that is prepended to the method, maps to the CADFEKO model tree structure.
3 The part that is prepended to the method, maps to the CADFEKO model tree structure.