Defining a Dielectric Using the Properties Method

Define the second dielectric with ε r = 2.5, σ = 1e-2 and with label Substrate2.

myProp = cf.Dielectric.GetDefaultProperties()
myDiel2 = myProject.Definitions.Media.Dielectric:AddDielectric(myProp)
myProp.MassDensity = "4"
myProp.Label = "Substrate2"
myProp.DielectricModelling.RelativePermittivity = "2.5"
myProp.DielectricModelling.ConductivityType = cf.Enums.MediumDielectricConductivityTypeEnum.Conductivity
myProp.DielectricModelling.Conductivity = "1e-2"
Figure 1. A dielectric with ε r = 2.5, σ = 1e-2 and label Substrate2.

  1. Create the second dielectric using the properties method:
    AddDielectric (properties table)
  2. Since we want to know the properties for a Dielectric, search for Dielectric (object) in the Help1.
  3. In the Help, under Dielectric > Static Function List, note the following:
    GetDefaultProperties ()
  4. Use GetDefaultProperties() to obtain the default properties of a dielectric:
    myProp = cf.Dielectric.GetDefaultProperties()
  5. Specify the properties of the dielectric:
    1. In the Help, under Dielectric > Property List, note the properties of interest:
      • Label
      • DielectricModelling
      Set the Label property, for DielectricModelling we need to navigate deeper:
      myProp.Label = "Substrate2"
    2. In the Help, click on the link in Dielectric > Static Function List > (Read/Write DielectricModelling) to navigate to the dielectric modelling properties.
    3. In the Help, under DielectricModelling > Property List, note the properties of interest:
      • RelativePermittivity
      • Conductivity and ConductivityType
      Set the RelativePermittivity property, for Conductivity we need to navigate deeper:
      myProperties.DielectricModelling.RelativePermittivity = "2.5"
    4. In the Help, click on the link in DielectricModelling > Property List > ConductivityType > MediumDielectricConductivityTypeEnum.
    5. Specify that conductivity will be used as well as the value for the conductivity:
      myProp.DielectricModelling.ConductivityType = cf.Enums.MediumDielectricConductivityTypeEnum.Conductivity
      myProp.DielectricModelling.Conductivity = "1e-2"
  6. Update myDielec1 with its new properties using SetProperties ():
1 The API is available in the Feko Scripting and API Reference Guide (PDF) or Feko WebHelp.