Specifying the Wire Segment Radius

Specify the wire segment radius as 0.001 m.

myProject.Mesher.Settings.WireRadius = "0.001"
Figure 1. Specify a wire segment radius of 0.001 m

  1. Since the Mesher object meshes the model, search for Mesher (object) in the Help1.
    1. In the Help, under Mesher > Usage locations , note the following:
      Model object has property Mesher.
    2. In the Help, click on the link in Mesher > Property List > Settings > (Read only MeshSettings) to navigate to the properties applicable to mesh creation.
  2. MeshSettings (object):
    1. In the Help, under MeshSettings > Property List, note the properties:
      • WireRadius
  3. Fill in the wire segment radius:
    WireRadius = "0.001"
  4. Determine the syntax to prepend to WireRadius:
    1. Since Start is a property it is indicated by prepending a .:
      .WireRadius = "0.001"
    2. From 1.a and since we know that Model is the one of the top levels in the model tree, the result is then:
      Mesher.Settings.WireRadius = "0.001"
    3. Since the project is the highest level, we prepend our reference to the project:
      myProject.Mesher.Settings.WireRadius = "0.001"
1 The API is available in the Feko Scripting and API Reference Guide (PDF) or Feko WebHelp.