Example Summary

View a summary of the examples in the Feko Example Guide.

Table 1. Summary of the examples in the Feko Example Guide. Take note of the items in the Technique / Item of Note column.
No Example Solution Method Technique / Item of Note Port Excitation / Source
A.1 Dipole MoM Wire Voltage
A.2.1 Dipole in Front of a PEC Cube MoM Wire Voltage
A.2.2 Dipole in Front of a Lossy Metal Cube MoM Wire Voltage
A.2.3 Dipole in Front of a Dielectric Cube MoM Wire Voltage
A.3.1 Dipole in Front of a Plate MoM Wire Voltage
A.3.2 Dipole in Front of a Plate MoM Higher order basis functions (HOBF) Wire Voltage
A.3.3 Dipole in Front of a Plate FDTD Wire Voltage
A.3.4 Dipole in Front of a Plate MoM / UTD Wire Voltage
A.3.5 Dipole in Front of a Plate MoM / RL-GO Wire Voltage
A.3.6 Dipole in Front of a Plate MoM / PO Wire Voltage
A.3.7 Dipole in Front of a Plate MoM / LE-PO Wire Voltage
A.4 Monopole Antenna on a Finite Ground Plane MoM Wire Voltage
A.5 Yagi-Uda Antenna Above a Real Ground MoM Real ground Wire Voltage
A.6 Pattern Optimisation of a Yagi-Uda Antenna MoM



Wire (Vertex) Voltage
A.7 Log Periodic Dipole Array Antenna MoM Transmission line Wire Voltage
A.8.1 Microstrip Patch Antenna (Pin-Fed) MoM Wire Voltage
A.8.2 Microstrip Patch Antenna (Pin-Fed) FDTD Wire Voltage
A.8.3 Microstrip Patch Antenna (Pin-Fed) MoM Infinite multilayer substrate Wire Voltage
A.8.4 Microstrip Patch Antenna (Pin-Fed) MoM Infinite multilayer substrate Microstrip Voltage
A.9 Proximity Coupled Patch Antenna (Microstrip Feed) MoM Microstrip Voltage
A.10.1 Aperture Coupled Patch Antenna MoM Finite substrate Edge Voltage
A.10.2 Aperture Coupled Patch Antenna MoM

Infinite multilayer substrate;

Planar Green’s function aperture

Edge Voltage
A.11.1 Feeding a Horn Antenna (Wire Pin Feed) MoM Wire Voltage
A.11.2 Feeding a Horn Antenna (Waveguide Feed) MoM Waveguide Waveguide
A.11.3 Feeding a Horn Antenna (FEM Modal Feed) FEM FEM Modal FEM modal
A.12.1 Dielectric Resonator Antenna on Finite Ground MoM / FEM FEM Modal FEM modal
A.12.2 Dielectric Resonator Antenna on Finite Ground MoM Waveguide Waveguide
A.12.3 Dielectric Resonator Antenna on Finite Ground (Lossless Dielectric) MoM Characteristic modes Waveguide Waveguide
A.12.4 Dielectric Resonator Antenna on Finite Ground (Lossy Dielectric) MoM Characteristic modes Waveguide Waveguide
A.13 Dielectric Lens Antenna RL-GO Far field equivalent source
A.14 Windscreen Antenna on an Automobile MoM Windscreen Wire Voltage
A.15 MIMO Elliptical Ring Antenna MoM Characteristic modes Edge Voltage
A.16.1 Pin-Fed Patch: Broadside Pattern by Phase Shift Definition MoM Periodic boundary conditions (PBC) Wire Voltage
A.16.2 Pin-Fed Patch: Broadside Pattern by Squint Angle Definition MoM Periodic boundary conditions (PBC) Wire Voltage
A.16.3 Pin-Fed Patch: Squint Pattern by Phase Shift Definition MoM Periodic boundary conditions (PBC) Wire Voltage
A.16.4 Pin-Fed Patch: Squint Pattern by Squint Angle Definition MoM Periodic boundary conditions (PBC) Wire Voltage
A.17 Finite Antenna Array with Non-Linear Spacing MoM

Domain Green's function (DGFM);

Infinite multilayer substrate

Wire Voltage
B.1 Antenna Coupling on an Electrically Large Object MLFMM S-parameters Wire
B.2.1 The Helix Antenna - Full Model MoM Wire Voltage
B.2.2 Antenna Coupling with Ideal Receiving Antenna MoM / UTD Ideal receiving antenna Wire Voltage
B.3.1 Solving the Horn Antenna to Obtain the Fields MoM Waveguide Waveguide
B.3.2 Solving the Equivalent Sources Model MoM Ideal receiving antenna Far field source
B.3.3 Obtaining a Full Wave Reference Solution MoM S-parameter Waveguide
C.1 RCS of a Thin Dielectric Sheet MoM Plane wave
C.2 RCS and Near Field of a Dielectric Sphere MoM Plane wave
C.3 Scattering Width of an Infinite Cylinder MoM Periodic boundary condition (PBC) Plane wave
C.4 Periodic Boundary Conditions for FSS Characterisation MoM Periodic boundary condition (PBC) Plane wave
C.5.1 Bandpass FSS MoM Unit cell Plane wave
C.5.2 Bandpass FSS MoM / FEM Plane wave
D.1.1 Shielding Factor of a Sphere with Finite Conductivity MoM Plane wave
D.1.2 Shielding Factor of a Sphere with Finite Conductivity FEM Plane wave
D.2 Calculating Field Coupling into a Shielded Cable MoM Wire Voltage
D.3 Magnetic-Field Probe MoM Plane wave
D.4 Antenna Radiation Hazard (RADHAZ) Safety Zones MoM Wire Voltage
E.1.1 Microstrip Filter on a Finite Substrate FEM

Finite substrate;


FEM line
E.1.2 Microstrip Filter on a Finite Substrate MoM

Finite substrate;


E.1.3 Microstrip Filter on an Infinite Substrate MoM

Infinite multilayer substrate;


E.2.1 S-Parameter Coupling in a Stepped Waveguide Section MoM S-parameters Waveguide
E.2.2 S-Parameter Coupling in a Stepped Waveguide Section FEM S-parameters FEM modal
E.3.1 Dipole Matching Using a SPICE Network MoM Wire Voltage
E.3.2 Dipole Matching Using a General S-Parameter Network MoM Wire Voltage
E.4.1 Feed Network MoM S-parameters Microstrip
E.4.2 Patch with Non-Radiating Feed Network MoM Microstrip Voltage
E.4.3 Patch with Full Feed Network MoM Microstrip Voltage
E.5 Microstrip Coupler FDTD S-parameters Edge
F.1 Exposure of Muscle Tissue Using the MoM/FEM Hybrid MoM / FEM Wire Voltage
F.2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Birdcage Head Coil Example MoM S-parameters Wire
G.1 Effect of Incident Plane Wave on an Obstacle Using Time Analysis MoM Plane wave
H.1 Forked Dipole Antenna (Continuous Frequency Range) MoM Wire Voltage
H.2 Using the MLFMM for Electrically Large Models MLFMM Plane wave
H.3.1 Horn Feeding a Large Reflector (MoM Horn and LE-PO Reflector) MoM / LE-PO Waveguide Waveguide
H.3.2 Horn Feeding a Large Reflector (MLFMM Horn and PO Reflector) MLFMM / PO Waveguide Waveguide
H.3.3 Horn Feeding a Large Reflector (MLFMM Horn and LE-PO Reflector) MLFMM / LE-PO Waveguide Waveguide
H.3.4 Horn Feeding a Large Reflector (Obtaining the Fields from the Horn Antenna) MoM / LE-PO Waveguide Waveguide
H.3.5 Horn Feeding a Large Reflector (Near Field Source and LE-PO Reflector) MoM / LE-PO Equivalent near field source
H.3.6 Horn Feeding a Large Reflector (Spherical Modes Source and LE-PO Reflector) MoM / LE-PO Spherical mode source
H.4 Optimise Waveguide Pin Feed Location MoM Optimisation (OPTFEKO);

Numerical Green’s Function (NGF)

Wire Voltage
H.5.1 Characterised Surfaces for FSS: Creating the FSS Model and Writing the .TR File MoM Plane wave
H.5.2 Creating the FSS Model and Writing the .TR File: Creating the Characterised Surface RL-GO Plane wave
I.1 Introduction to Application Automation MoM API Wire Voltage
I.2.1 Report Generation: Rectangular Horn Antenna MoM API Waveguide Waveguide
I.2.2 Report Generation: Patch antenna MoM API Microstrip Voltage
I.3 Optimise a Bandpass Filter MoM



(Altair HyperStudy)
