Register a New Custom Particle Property

You can create custom properties to store new variables that represent particle properties that EDEM does not support natively. Creation of new custom properties allows manipulation both with the CFD Coupling Interface and the custom EDEM API models.

To register a new custom particle property for use in a new EDEM deck:
Specify the following:
For Specify
String containing the name Allows the custom property to be identified in the property manager within EDEM.
Number of property elements Indicates the number of ‘elements’ that make up a property for a particle. For example, a scalar property would have one property element, and a 3D vector value would have three.
Unit type Indicates an integer identifying the unit type of the new property, see the Appendix for a complete list of unit types.
Initial value Indicates the initial value used to initialize the custom property.
The data type Indicates the variable data type used to store the data. Currently, the only supported type is double and is selected using the default value supplied (zero).

When a custom property has been registered, a unique integer custom property index will be returned. When using the get and set methods, this index may be used to identify the property throughout the simulation process. If the property has already been registered, it will not be duplicated and the index of the existing property is returned.