Design of Experiment-style Studies

Design-Of-Experiment (DOE) style programs or parametric CAD packages allows equipment designs to evolve through co-simulation. This capability in the EDEM Coupling Interface also allows you to automatically create many simulations containing variations on Geometry or Geometry dynamics for running in batch mode.

Importing a Geometry

The loadGeometry method will create a new Geometry section in the EDEM simulation and name it using the CAD file name which is read in. The import process will use the same default parameters as shown in the EDEM Creator Geometry Import dialog box. Any changes to the defaults can be specified via the setGeometryImportParameters method, which should be invoked prior to calling the loadGeometry method.

Assigning a Material to a Geometry

Prior to loading a Geometry, you must specify the material to assign to the Geometry section that is about to be loaded. The relevant ID is obtained via a call to the getMaterialId method.

Deleting a Geometry

Use the name of the target Geometry to delete it from the simulation via a call to the removeGeometry method.

Assigning Kinematics to a Geometry

The EDEM Coupling Interface has the ability to assign built-in kinematics to a target Geometry. The kinematics are assigned using the following methods:
  • addLinearTranslationKinematic
  • addLinearRotationKinematic
  • addSinusoidalTranslationKinematic
  • addSinusoidalRotationKinematic
  • addConveyorTranslatonKinematic
  • addConveyorRotationKinematic
The parameters for each of the dynamics represent the values that are available in the configuration section of the Add Kinematic dialog box for the selected kinematic type.
Note: With version 2_1_0 and higher, the EDEM Coupling Interface was expanded to enable Geometry sections to be imported and deleted at any point in a simulation.