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Provides information about developing and simulating models through the Twin Activate Application Program Interface.
Learn about the APIs available for manipulating blocks through the Block Diagram Editor.
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OpenMatrix is a mathematical scripting language.
The Reference Guide contains documentation for all functions supported in the OpenMatrix language.
Describes all of the blocks in the installed Twin Activate library.
Adds a text icon to the block.
Adds a block to a diagram. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock.
Clones block in diagram. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock.
Takes diagram and stores all items within a Super Block.
Creates a block using blockid along with parent. Parent can be of type hwscpDiagram or hwscpBlock but hwscpBlock is not available as a return type from other commands.
Creates a new port for a given block.
Creates a superblock.
Deletes block from diagram. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock.
Disables the text icon iconName within block from being rotated.
Flips the block within the ui.
Enables the text icon iconName within block to be rotated.
Explodes a Super Block.
Gets the rotation angle of the given block.
Gets the background color of the given block.
Gets block by the given blockname. Has an option to use diagram as well.
Get the deafult name of block. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock.
Gets the diagram that the block is in. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock.
Gets the aspect ratio of the flipped image in block.
Gets the path of the flipped image for a given block.
Gets the frame color of the block.
Gets the frame corner radius of block. The only blocks that have a corner radius are of frame shape pentagon.
Gets the frame type of block.
Gets the full name of the given block.
Gets the height of the given block.
Gets the image aspect ratio of the image icon in block.
Gets the image path of the icon in block.
Gets the position of the label of block.
Get the name of block. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock.
Gets the position of the given block.
Gets the reset parameters of the template for block.
Returns a short description of a given block, if it has one.
Gets simulation functions of block from libraryName.
Gets simulation libraries of block.
Gets simulation libraries of block of a specific libraryType.
Takes diagram and returns the blocks within the diagram.
Gets the block size of the given block.
Returns the value of the property 'status' of a given block.
Gets the color of the text icon iconName in block.
Gets the font size of the text icon iconName in block.
Gets the names of the text icons in block.
Gets the value of the text icon name in block.
Gets the x position of the text icon iconName in block.
Gets the y position of the text icon iconName in block.
Returns the type of a given block.
Gets the width of the given block.
Gets the x position of the given block.
Gets the y position of the given block.
Takes model and returns the scale used for converting the realtime.
Takes diagram and returns the selected block within the diagram.
Takes diagram and returns the selected blocks within the diagram.
Gets the text icon using textIconName from block.
Checks to see if block is Atomic. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock. Block must be a super block. The Atomic flag is a code generation option that converts a super block into a basic block.
Returns whether or not the block is flipped.
Returns whether or not the frame of block is visible.
Returns whether or not the block is inlinable. Inline blocks are blocks that are not included in the library system.
Returns whether or not the block is inlined. Inline blocks are blocks that are not included in the library system.
Gets whether or not the label of block is visible.
Returns the value of the property 'masked' of a given block. Masking hides the interior blocks of a super block and changes the super block to appear and act like a regular block.
Returns whether or not a parameter of a given block is enabled.
Returns whether or not a parameter of a given block is visible.
Returns the whether or not the block is split. Block is split when it is created using the template 'system/Links/Split'.
Returns whether or not the block's textIconName is clipped.
Returns whether or not the block has text icon rotation enabled.
Redraws block within the diagram. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock.
Replaces blockToReplace with a copy of replacement in diagram. blockToReplace and replacement are of type hwscpHyperBlock.
Saves block to pathname. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock. Block must be inline. This means the block is not included in the library system.
Saves block to pathname as an image. Must be saved as .png, .jpg, or .jpeg. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock. Block must be inline. This means the block is not included in the library system.
Selects block within the diagram. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock.
Takes diagram and selects the given blocks within the diagram.
Sets the flag for whether or not the block is atomic. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock. Only works with super blocks.
Sets the background color of block. Can use either a string for color or four separate rgba values. When using rgba values, values range from 0 to 255.
Sets the defualt name for block as name. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock.
Sets the aspect ratio for a flipped image in block.
Sets the path for a flipped image in block.
Sets the block's frame color.
Sets the block's frame corner radius. The only blocks that have a corner radius are of frame shape pentagon.
Sets the block's frame type. This changes the shape of the block to one of four different options; rectangle, triangle, pentagon, ellipse.
Sets the flag that determines whether or not the block frame is visible.
Sets the aspect ratio of image in block.
Sets the inlinable flag of a given block. Inline blocks are blocks that are not included in the library system.
Sets the position of the label of block.
Sets the visibility of the label of block.
Sets the name for block. block is of type hwscpHyperBlock.
Sets reset parameter of the setparams of block.
Sets a short description of a given block.
Sets the status of a given block.
Sets the clipped flag of iconName in block. If clipped the text will only be within the text icon box. If not clipped then the text will be outside of the text icon box, if large enough.
Sets the color of the text icon iconName in block.
Sets the font size of text icon textIconName in block.
Sets the position of text icon textIconName in block.
Sets the value of text icon name to the block.
Sets the type of a given block.
Sets a superBlock to automatically set it's masked flag to true. Masking hides the interior blocks of a super block and changes the super block to appear and act like a regular block.
Learn about the APIs available for obtaining information from Activate models, for example information about variables and environments.
Learn about the APIs available for simulating models.
Key terms associated with the software.
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